
Linux eine Gefahr für Kinder!

Ist Linux eine Gefahr für unsere Kinder? Jeder ITler hier zu Lande würde sich wahrscheinlich freuen, wenn sein Kind sich freiwillig mit Linux beschäftigen würde. Ganz ANDERS schaut dies jedoch in Amerika, dem Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten aus! Dort fand eine Lehrerin aus Texas eine Linux Live CD bei einem Schüler und zog die CD ein!! Darauf verfasste Sie folgenden Brief an die Entwickler der Linux Distribution:

After confiscating the disks I called a confrence with the student and that is how I came to discover you and your organization. Mr. Starks, I am sure you strongly believe in what you are doing but I cannot either support your efforts or allow them to happen in my classroom. At this point, I am not sure what you are doing is legal. No software is free and spreading that misconception is harmful. These children look up to adults for guidance and discipline. I will research this as time allows and I want to assure you, if you are doing anything illegal, I will pursue charges as the law allows. Mr. Starks, I along with many others tried Linux during college and I assure you, the claims you make are grossly over-stated and hinge on falsehoods. I admire your attempts in getting computers in the hands of disadvantaged people but putting linux on these machines is holding our kids back.

This is a world where Windows runs on virtually every computer and putting on a carnival show for an operating system is not helping these children at all. I am sure if you contacted Microsoft, they would be more than happy to supply you with copies of an older verison of Windows and that way, your computers would actually be of service to those receiving them

Auf diese Reaktion erfolgte natürlich eine Gegenreation der Linux Distri:


I suppose I should, before anything else, thank you. You have given me the opportunity to show others just what a battle we face in what we do. „We“ being those who advocate, support and use Free Open Source Software and Linux in particular.

If you find my following words terse or less than cordial, take a breath and prepare yourself…what I have to say to you are soft strokes to your hair in comparison to what you are about to experience.

First off, if there was even the slightest chance that I was doing something illegal, it would not have been done. To think that I would involve my kids in my „illegal“ activities is an insult far beyond outrage. You should be ashamed of yourself for putting into print such none sense.

And please…investigate to your heart's content. You are about to have your eyes opened, that is if you actually investigate anything at all. Linux is a free as-in-cost and free as-in-license operating system. It was designed specifically for those purposes. Linux is used to free people from Microsoft. The fact that you seem to believe that Microsoft is the end all and be-all is actually funny in a sad sort of way. Then again, being a good NEA member, you would spout the Union line. Microsoft has pumped tens of millions of dollars into your union. Of course you are going to „recommend“ Microsoft Windows“. To do otherwise would probably get you reprimanded at the least and fired at the worst. You are only doing what you've been instructed to do.

You've been trained well.

I don't know when you attended college Karen but the Linux of even two years ago pales in feature and ability to what there is available now…and that in turn will pale in a year's time. linux is superior to MS windows in so many ways, they are too numerous to mention here…I am weary of enumerating them. Unlike Microsoft who meters their „improvements“ and then shovels them to you every five years or so for purchase; Linux releases their improvements upon their completion. We receive the newest and the best of the system when it is tested to be usable and stable. Karen, you have no idea the slavery you work under…but you don't know any better. The shame of it is, you are trapped with millions of other teachers in obeying the NEA and preaching the goodness of Windows and Microsoft. A superior, free and absolutely entertaining method of operating your computer is within reach and you are unable to grasp it.

The most disturbing part of this resides in the fact that the AISD purchases millions of dollars of Microsoft Software in a year's time when that money could be better spent on educating our children. A dedicated School Teacher would recognize that fact and lobby for the change to Free Open Source Software and let the money formally spent on MS bindware be used on our kids.

A teacher who cared about her students would do that.

That is sad past my ability to express it to you. Don't shackle your students in your prison Karen.

Now. You give that boy his disks back. Aaron is a brilliant kid and he's learned more using Linux than he ever did using Windows. Those disks and their distribution are perfectly legal and even if he was „disruptive“, you cannot keep his property. I have placed a call to the AISD Superintendent and cc'd him a complete copy of your email. It looks like we will get to meet in his office when School starts again after the holiday. I am anxious to meet a person who is this uninformed and still holds a position of authority and learnedness over our children.

Ken Starks
HeliOS Solutions

Microsoft gut – da es ja Geld kostet

Linux böse – da kostenlos und so etwas gibt es ja nicht!

Wenn man bedenkt, das Deutschland etwa 15-20 Jahre den Amis von der Lebenseinstellung nach laufen, bekomme ich schon jetzt Angst vor der Zukunft! Wenn schon Lehrer solch eine Ansicht vertreten, wie wird es dann mit der restlichen Welt aussehen!


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