
Nokia E72 – Firmware-Update V31.023

Das E72 von Nokia bekommt ein Mega-Firmware-Update auf V31.023

Nach längerer Zeit bringt Nokia nun ein großes Update für ihr Nokia E72 heraus. Liest man sich die Changelog dieses Updates durch, stellt man schnell fest, diese Version ist Pflicht für alle E72 Besitzer! Zumal diese Software die kostenlose Navigation und eine neue Speicherverwaltung enthält. Hier die Veränderungen von der Basisversion zu aktuellen Software.

Folgende Komponenten wurden beim E72 verändert:

Neue Funktionen:

WAPI support for China
Internet radio
Smart Connect
Advanced Communications Manager

Updated Funktionen:

Freestyle email (2.05, BL3, csw.32.rd_email_10w04)
My Nokia (4.1)
Nokia Maps SR3
Share on OVI (4.3)
OviStore (1.5.436)
Cherry (2.1)
Browser 7.2


Verbesserung der Stabilität

Memoryleak corrections to improve general stability
Music player, radio, video recording, earphone, security sw and encryprion stability corrections
Localisation corrections(MAPS, Calendar, Contacts, Email and Browser area)

Verbesserung im Email-System

MFE activation registration correction
Synchronisation correction to mailbox creation(like Yahoo and Gmail) for the first time
Email editing correction(dubling of words when deleting suggestions)
Correction to synchronization when syncing draft meeting request
Set default setting "Sync while roaming" to "No”
Sending message without password initials crash correction
Messaging menu memory leak correction


Meeting request creation stability corrections
Requiring meeting request corrections
Meeting request saving correction if meeting request is saved before sending
Meeting update send after editing request


Contacts stability improvements (arrow keys pressed rapidly before contacts are loaded, add searched contact to the goup without name, mail box removal, open/close contacts during call, conference call with two same name participants, … )
Company name displayed in contacts
Group deleting correction when goup is deleted from group edit view
Contact group editing view corrections
Contacts search corrections (Group cannot be searched after editing its conference service number, Image detail of marked contact is not displayed in search result, Group disappears when add contact to it in searched result view)

Erweiterungen des Homescreens

Missed call indicator removal correction after call has been accomplished form action menu
Message notifier corrected when several voice messages received

MAPS – Karten – Navigation

New maps version included
Free navigation
Improved GPS handling
Landmark corrections(land mark received vie MMS, Landmarks are not displayed when selecting places during planning route from landmarks application)
Voice guidance corrections (turning directions, safety camera)
Route planning/saving corrections


Browser bitmap memory leak correction
Browser closing stability improvement before connection is open
Secure connection icon corrections (going to an other secure page, secure connection canceling)
When moving multiple Bookmarks, the last selected Bookmark is not moved
Bookmark icon correction


Spacebar stops working correction
Emergency call correction when lock code query is on and call made quickly after power on
Theme effects disabled by default


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