
J – Abkürzungen von Fachbegriffen aus der IT

“J” – Abkürzungsverzeichnis von Fachbegriffen aus der IT – dies bedeuten sie!

Fachsprachen gerade aus dem IT Umfeld haben es in sich! Doch gibt es für einen Fachbegriff auch noch eine Abkürzung, so haben oft selbst Experten aus einem angrenzenden Fachgebiet Probleme dessen Bedeutung zu erahnen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir hier ein kleines Abkürzungsverzeichnis aus dem EDV Bereich online gestellt.

Abkürzung –> Bedeutung


J –> Java, Japan, Job
J2EE –> Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (now Java EE)
J2ME –> Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (now Java ME)
J2SE –> Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (now Java SE)
JA –> Jump Address
JAAS –> Java Authentication and Authorization Service
JAD –> Joint Application Design
JAE –> Java Application Environment
JAM –> Just A Minute (Slang)
JAM –> Jyacc Application Manager
JANET –> Joint Academic Network, England
JAP –> Java Anon Proxy
JAR –> Java Archive
JASON –> Journal Articles Sent On Demand
JAUA –> Just Another Useless Answer (Slang)
JAVAC –> javac: Java programming-language compiler (Sun)
JAXP –> Java API for XML Processing
JBCE –> Japan Business Council in Europe
JBCE –> JavaBean Calculation Engine
JBD –> Journaling Block Device
JBI –> J Bus Interface
JBI –> Java Business Integration
JBIG –> Joint Bilevel Image Group
JBOD –> Just a Bunch Of Discs
JCA –> Java Connection Architecture
JCALS –> Joint Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support System
JCB –> Job Conrol Block
JCC –> Java Competence Center
JCE –> Java Cryptography Extension
JCIC –> Joint Committee for Intersociety Coordination
JCL –> Job Control Language (IBM)
JCP –> Java Community Process
JCS –> Job Control Statement/System
JCT –> Job Control Table
JD –> Julian Date/Day
JDB –> Java Debugger
JDBC –> Java Data Base Connectivity
JDC –> Japanese Digital Cellular
JDK –> Java Developers/Development Kit
JDO –> Java Data/Database Object(s)
JDP –> Joint Development Program (Microsoft)
JECC –> Japan Electronic Computer Center
JEDEC –> Joint Electronic Devices Engineering Council
JEE –> Java Enterprise Edition
JEIDA –> Japan Electronic Industry Development Association (now JEITA)
JEITA –> Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association
JES –> Java Enterprise System (Sun)
JES –> Java Embedded Server (Sun)
JES –> Java Enhanced SIP
JES –> Job Entry Subsystem (IBM)
JES2 –> Job Entry Subsystem 2 (IBM)
JESA –> Japan Engineering Standard Association
JESSI –> Joint European Submicron Silicon Initiative
JFC –> Java Foundation Class
JFET –> Johnson/Junction Field Effect Transistor
JFFS –> Journalling Flash File System
JFIF –> JPEG File Interchange Format
JFS –> Journal/Journaled/Journalling/Java File System
JFS –> Jumbo Frame Support
JGFET –> Junction Gate Field Effect Transistor
JIB –> Job Information Block
JIC –> Just In Case (Slang)
JICST –> Japan Information Center of Science and Technology
JID –> Jabber Identifier
JIF –> Journal Impact Factor
JINI –> Java Intelligent Network Infrastructure/Interface (Sun)
JIT –> Just In Time (compiler)
JJ –> Josephson Junction
JJ –> Just Joking (Slang)
JMMD –> Jokes Make My Day (Slang)
JMP –> Job Monitor Protocol
JMS –> Java Messaging Service
JMS –> Job Management System
JMX –> Java Management Extensions
JNDI –> Java Naming and Directory Interface
JNDSPI –> Java Naming and Directory Service Provider Interface
JNI –> Java Native Interface
JOL –> Job Orientation Language
JOSS –> Joint Object Services Submission
JOTA –> Jamboree On The Air
JPDA –> Java Platform Debugging Architecture
JPEG –> Joint Photographic Experts Group
JPL –> Java Perl Lingo
JPL –> Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, USA
JPL –> Jyacc Procedural Language
JRE –> Java Runtime Environment
JRL –> Java Research License
JRL –> Java Robotics Library
JRL –> Jump to Random Location
JRTS –> Java Real Time System
JSDK –> Java Servlet Development Kit
JS –> JavaScript
JS –> Jumper Setting
JSC –> Job Status code
JSE –> Java Standard Edition
JSE –> JavaScript Encoded
JSF –> Jabber Software Foundation
JSGF –> Java Speech Grammar Format
JSH –> Job control Shell
JSM –> Job Stream Manager
JSML –> Java Speech Markup Language
JSNM –> Just Stark Naked Magic (Slang)
JSP –> Jackson Structured Programming
JSP –> Java Server Page/Pages
JSQL –> Java SQL
JSS –> JavaScript Style Sheet
JSSE –> Java Secure Socket Extension
JST –> Japan Standard Time
JST –> Java Enterprise Edition Standard Tools (project)
JST –> Java Server Toolkit
JST –> Java Simple Template
JST –> Joint Spatio-Temporal (filtering)
JSTL –> Java Standard Tag/Template Library
JSTL –> JSP Standard Tag Library
JT –> Job Table
JTAG –> Joint Test Action Group
JTAM –> Job and Transfer Manipulation
JTAP –> JTC1 TAG Application Portability Study Group
JTAPI –> Java Telephony Application Programming Interface
JTC –> Joint Technical Committee (ISO/IEC)
JTM –> Job Transfer and Management/Manipulation
JTRS –> Joint Tactical Radio System, USA
JTS –> Java Transaction Service
JUBL –> Juelicher BlueGene/L (Supercomputer)
JUD –> Jabber User Directory
JUG –> Java User Group
JUGD –> Java User Group Deutschland
JUGFET –> Junction Gate Field Effect Transistor
JUMP –> Java User Migration Path
JUNET –> Japan/Japanese UNIX Network
JUST –> Joint Users of Siemens Telecommunications
JV –> Job Variable
JVC –> J++ Visual Compiler
JVC –> Japan Victor Company (Victor Company of Japan)
JVM –> Java Virtual Machine
JVNC –> John-von-Neumann (Super-Computer-) Center
JVT –> Joint Video Team
JWS –> Java Workshop
JXTA –> Juxtapose (Sun)

Ihr habt die passende Abkürzung hier nicht gefunden? Schreibt diese als Kommentar hier im Blog. Wir werden diese dann in unser IT Abkürzungsverzeichnis aufnehmen. Danke!


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