
B – Abkürzungen von Fachbegriffen aus der IT

“B” – Abkürzungsverzeichnis von Fachbegriffen aus der IT – dies bedeuten sie!

Fachsprachen gerade aus dem IT Umfeld haben es in sich! Doch gibt es für einen Fachbegriff auch noch eine Abkürzung, so haben oft selbst Experten aus einem angrenzenden Fachgebiet Probleme dessen Bedeutung zu erahnen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir hier ein kleines Abkürzungsverzeichnis aus dem EDV Bereich online gestellt.

Abkürzung –> Bedeutung


B –> Basic, Binary, Bit, Block, British, Bus, Business, Byte
B –> Backward
B –> Bandwidth
B2B –> Business To Business
B2C –> Business To Consumer
B2E –> Business To Employee
B2P –> Business To Private
B4 –> Before (Slang)
B4N –> Bye For Now (Slang)
BA –> Building Automation
BA –> Busankoppler
BAC –> Balanced Asynchronous Class
BAC –> Basic Access Control
BACP –> Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol
BAD –> Broken As Designed
BAG –> Buchhaendlerische Abrechnungsgesellschaft
BAI –> Basic Rate Interface
BAK –> Back At Keyboard (Slang)
BAK –> Backup
BAK –> Binary Adaption Kit (Microsoft)
BAKT –> Basisanschlusskonzentrator
BAL –> Basic Assembly Language
BALUN –> Balanced Unbalanced (transformator)
BAM –> Berkeley Abstract Machine
BAM –> Block Availability Map
BAM –> Boyan Action Module
BAM –> Bundesanstalt fuer Materialpruefung, Berlin
BAN –> Body Area Network
BAP –> Bandwidth Allocation Protocol
BAPI –> Biometric Application Program Interface
BAPI –> Business Application Programming Interface
BAPT –> Bundesamt Post und Telekommunikation, Mainz
BARRNET –> Bay Area Regional Research Network
BARTS –> Bell Atlantic Regional Timesharing
BAS –> Bild-Austast-Synchron(-Signal)
BAS –> Bitrate Allocation Signal
BAS –> Btx Anwendungsschnittstelle
BASH –> Bourne Again Shell
BASIC –> Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BASIS –> Battelle Automated Search Information System
BASM –> Built-In Assembler
BAT –> Baby AT Board
BAT –> Basic Assurance Test
BAT –> Block Address Translation
BATC –> Block Address Translation Cache
BATV –> Bounce Address Tag Validation
BAW –> Before Abraham Was (Slang)
BAW –> Bells And Whistles (superfluous features)
BAW –> Black America Web
BAZ –> Belegauswertung von Zahlungsvorgaengen
BB –> Bandwidth Broker
BB –> Base Band
BB –> beschraenkt balanciert (Baum)
BBAE –> Breitband-Anschluss-Einheit (DSL-Splitter)
BBAN –> Basic Bank Account Number
BBC –> British Broadcasting Corporation
BBCI –> Berlin Brain/Bregen Computer Interface
BBK –> Basic/Business Bookkeeping
BBK –> Be Back Ok? (Slang)
BBK –> Berkom Berliner Kommunikationssystem
BBK –> Berliner Bibliothekswissenschaftliches Kolloquium
BBK –> Birkbeck University of London
BBK –> Breitbandkabel
BBK –> Broadcast Block
BBK –> Buchfuehrung, Bilanzierung, Kostenrechnung
BBL –> Be Back Later (Slang)
BBN –> Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. (Internet)
BBNS –> Broadband Network Services
BBR –> Backbone Ring
BBR –> Burnt Beyond Recognition (Slang)
BBRA –> Bad Block Relocation Area
BBS –> Band-Betriebssystem
BBS –> BIOS Boot Select/Specification
BBS –> Bulletin Board System
BC –> Begin Chain
BC –> Business Class
BCA –> Burst Cutting Area
BCAM –> Basic Communication Access Method
BCC –> Blind Carbon Copy
BCC –> Block Check/Checking Character
BCCH –> Broadcast Control Channel
BCD –> Barcode Decal
BCD –> Binary Coded Decimal
BCE –> Bell Canada Enterprises
BCF –> Bandwidth Change Confirmation
BCFSK –> Binary Coded Frequency Shift Keying
BCH –> Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (-Code)
BCI –> Batibus Club International
BCI –> Brain Computer Interface
BCI –> Broadcast Interference
BCJ –> Bachelor of Communication and Journalism
BCJ –> Borland Compiler for Java
BCL –> Base Class Libraries
BCL –> Batch Command Language
BCL –> Broadcast Listener
BCLK –> Bus Clock
BCM –> Bachelor of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
BCM –> Back Channel Message
BCM –> Basic Call/Connection Management/Manager
BCM –> Basic Computing Module
BCM –> Basic Control Monitor
BCM –> Battery/Bound Control Module
BCM –> Binary Coded Matrix
BCM –> Bit Clock Model
BCM –> Bit Compression Multiplexer
BCM –> Block Coded Modualtion
BCM –> Broadcast Manager (IBM)
BCM –> Bus Converter Module
BCN –> Beacon
BCNF –> Boyce Codd Normal Form
BCNU –> Be Seeing You (Slang)
BCP –> Best Current Practice
BCP –> Binary/Byte/Bridging Control Protocol
BCP –> Bridging Control Protocol
BCP –> Bulk Copy Program
BCPL –> Basic Computer/Combined Programming Language
BCR –> Byte Count Register
BCS –> Bar Code Sorter
BCS –> BASF Computer Services
BCS –> Black Check Sequence
BCS –> Boeing Computer Services
BCS –> British Computer Society
BCTS –> Backup Courier Time Server
BCU –> Balanced Configuration Unit
BD –> Blu-ray Disc
BDA –> BIOS Data Area
BDA –> Broadcast Driver Architecture
BDB –> Berkeley Database
BDB –> Bidirectional Data Buffer
BDB –> Bounded-delay-encodable Block-decodable
BDB –> British Digital Broadcasting
BDC –> Backup Domain Controller
BDD –> Business Desktop Deployment
BDE –> Betriebsdatenerfassung
BDE –> BitLocker Drive Encryption
BDE –> Borland Database Engine
BDF –> Binary Distribution Format
BDF –> Bitmap Description/Display Format
BDF –> Bitmap Distribution Format (Adobe)
BDK –> Beans Development Kit
BDLC –> Burroughs Data Link Control
BDLS –> Bidirectional Loop Switching
BDO –> Bidrectional Overwrite
BDOS –> Basic Disk Operating System
BDP –> Bandwidth Delay Product
BDPP –> Biometric Device Protection Profile
BDR –> Beowulf Design Rules
BDR –> Bus Device Request
BDRW –> BD-RW: Blu-ray Disc Rewritable
BDSC –> Britisch Document Supply Center
BDSG –> Bundesdatenschutzgesetz
BDSL –> Broadband Digital Subscriber Line
BDU –> Brain Dead User (Slang)
BE –> Below or Equal
BE –> Beschaltungseinheit
BE –> Burst Error
BEA –> Bond Energy Algorithm
BEA –> Building Eucational Applications (workgroup)
BEA –> Business Enterprise Architecture
BEB –> Binary Exponential Backoff
BECN –> Backward Explicit Congestion Notification
BECTA –> British Educational Communications and Technology Agency
BEDO –> Burst Extended Data Out (DRAM)
BEE –> Bertelsmann Electronic Edition
BEEP –> Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol
BEER –> Binary Error Exchange Rate
BEL –> Bell (ASCII-Zeichen Nr. 7)
BELLCORE –> Bell Communications Research, Inc.
BELUG –> Bellevue Linux Users Group
BEM –> Boundary Element Method
BEN –> Bestaetigungsnummer
BEP –> Bertelsmann Electronic Publishing
BER –> Basic Encoding Rules
BER –> Bit/Block Error Rate
BERKOM –> Berliner Kommunikationssystem
BERT –> Bit Error Rate Test/Tester
BESYS –> Bell Operating System
BETC –> Between Chain
BEV –> Boot Entry Vector
BF –> Bad Flag
BF –> Boundary Function
B/F –> Background/Foreground
BFBI –> Brute Force and Bloody Ignorance (Slang)
BFDI –> Bundesbeauftragter fuer Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit
BFF –> Binary File Format
BFI –> Brute Force and Ignorance (Slang)
BFMI –> Brute Force and Massive Ignorance (Slang)
BFN –> British Forces Network
BFN –> Bye For Now (Slang)
BFO –> Beat Frequency Oscillator
BFS –> Be File System (BeOS)
BFS –> Big File Scanner
BFS –> Bitfile Server
BFS –> (Unixware) Boot File System
BFS –> Brain Fuck Scheduler
BFS –> Breadth First Search
BFT –> Binary File Transfer
BFTP –> Batch/Background File Transfer Protocol
BFU –> Betriebsfuehrungsumsetzer
BFU –> Brain Free User (Slang)
BFV –> Betriebs-Fuehrungs-Vorfeldrechner
BG –> Background
BG –> Big Grin (Slang)
BG –> Black Generation
BGA –> Ball Grid Array
BGE –> Branch if Greater or Equal
BGI –> Borland's Graphics Interface
BGM –> Background Menu
BGMP –> Border Gateway Multicast Protocol
BGP –> Border Gateway Protocol (Internet)
BGP4 –> Border Gateway Protocol 4 (Internet)
BGT –> Branch if Greater Than
BH –> Bottom Half
BH –> Branch and Hang
BHCA –> Busy Hour Call Attempts
BHI –> Branch if Higher
BHIS –> Branch if Higher or Same
BHLI –> Broadband High Level Information
BHMD –> Binocular Helmet Mounted Display
BHO –> Browser Helper Object
BHOF –> Bald Headed Old Fart (Slang)
BHP –> Bayerische Hacker-Post
BHT –> Branch History Table
BI –> Binary Input
BI –> Breidbart Index
BI –> Broadcast Invite
BI –> Business Intelligence
BIA –> Bump In the API
BIB –> Bus Interface Board
BIBOP –> Big Bag Of Pages
BIC –> Bank Identifier Code
BICI –> Broadband Inter Carrier Interface
BICS –> Beratungsstelle fuer informationstechnische Bildung und Computereinsatz in Schulen, Berlin
BICS –> Binnenvaart Informatie en Communicatie Systeem
BIDI –> Bidirectional
BIDS –> Broadband Internet Delivery System
BIENE –> Barrierefreies Internet eroeffnet neue Einsichten (Wettbewerb)
BIFET –> Bipolar Field Effect Transistor
BIFF –> Binary Interchange File Format
BIFS –> Binary Format For Scenes
BIGFON –> Breitbandiges Integriertes Glasfaser-Fernmelde-Ortsnetz
BIKT –> Bundesverband Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie, Hamburg
BILLI –> Buried Implanted Layer for Lateral Isolation
BIM –> Begin of Information Marker
BIMOS –> Bipolar Metal Oxide Semiconductor
BIN –> Bachelor of Information Networking
BINAC –> Binary Automatic Computer
BIND –> Berkeley Internet Name Domain
BINHEX –> Binary Hexadecimal
BION –> Believe It Or Not (Slang)
BIOS –> Basic Input Output System
BIP –> Basic Imaging Profile (Bluetooth)
BIP –> Bit-Interleaved Parity
BIPM –> Bipartite Matching Code
BIPM –> Bureau International des Poids et Mesures
BIPS –> Billions Instructions Per Second
BIRT –> Business Intelligence (and) Reporting Technology/Tools
BIS –> Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem
BIS –> Business Information System
BISDN –> Broadband/Breitband-ISDN
BIST –> Built-In Self Test
BISYNC –> Binary Synchronous Communication Protocol (IBM)
BIT –> Base Item Type
BIT –> Basic Interconnection Test
BIT –> Basic Interface Telephone
BIT –> Because It's Time (network)
BIT –> Binary Digit
BIT –> Bipolar Integrated Technology
BIT –> Board of Information Technology
BIT –> Broadband Information Technology
BIT –> Broadband Internet Terminal
BIT –> Built-In Testing
BIT –> Business and Information Technology
BIT –> Business Internet Trends
BIT –> Bytecode Instrumenting Tool
BITD –> Back In The Day (Slang)
BITKOM –> Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft, Telekommunikation und Neue Medien
BITNET –> Because It's Time Network (ein NJE-Netz)
BITNIC –> Bitnet Network Information Center
BITS –> Background Intelligent Transfer Service
BITV –> Verordnung zur Schaffung barrierefreier Informationstechnik nach dem

BIU –> Basic Information Unit
BIU –> Bus Interface Unit
BIW –> Business Intelligence Warehouse
BIX –> Byte Information Exchange (ein BBS)
BJ –> Backjumping
BJC –> Bubblejet Color
BK –> Bearbeitungskonflikt (Wikipedia)
BK –> Break In
BK –> Breitbandkabel
BK –> Buerokommunikation
BKH –> Bekennender Konsolen-/Kommandozeilen-Heini (Slang)
BKL –> Begriffsklaerung (Wikipedia)
BKL –> Big Kernel Lock
BKLS –> Begriffsklaerungsseite (Wikipedia)
BKS –> Bundesverband Kabel + Satellit
BKZ –> Bereichskennzahl (Datex, Btx)
BL –> Backlit
BL –> Betriebslenkung
BL –> Bit Line
BLACS –> Basic Linear Algebra Communication Routines
BLADE –> Basic Linear Algebra for Distributed Environments
BLAM –> Binary Logarithmic Arbitration Method
BLAS –> Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines
BLAST –> Bell Labs Layered Space Time
BLAST –> Blocked Asynchronous Transmission (Protocol)
BLC –> Beam Landing Correction
BLE –> Branch if Less or Equal
BLER –> Block Error Rate
BLERA –> Block Error Rate After Recording
BLERB –> Block Error Rate Before Recording
BLERT –> Block Error Rate Test
BLI –> Business Logic Integration
BLK –> Betriebs-Lenkungs-Konzentrator
BLK –> Block
BLLI –> Broadband Low Level Information
BLM –> Bayerische Landeszentrale fuer Neue Medien, Muenchen
BLMC –> Buried Logic Macrocell
BLOB –> Binary Large Object
BLOC –> Brutto Lines Of Code
BLOG –> (short for:) Weblog, World Wide Web Logbook
BLOS –> Branch if Lower or Same
BLR –> Beacon-Less Routing
BLU –> Bildlizenz unbekannt (Wikipedia)
BM –> Backmarking
BM –> Bitonic Merge (Graph, Netz)
BM –> Burst Mode
BM –> Byte Me (Slang)
BMC –> Block Multiplex Channel
BMI –> Branch if Minus
BMIC –> Bus Master Interface Controller (Intel)
BMJ –> Backmarking with Backjumping
BMP –> Basic Mapping Support
BMP –> Basic Multilingual Plane (Unicode)
BMP –> Batch Message Processing (Program)
BMP –> Bitmap
BMPP –> Bulk Mail Preferences Protocol
BMPT –> Bundesministerium fuer Post- und Telekommunikation
BMS –> Broadcast Message Server
BMUG –> Berkeley MacIntosh Users Group
BMW –> Bandwidth Management Workshop (IEEE)
BMW –> Binary Moving Window
BNA –> Bundesnetzagentur
BNC –> Baby N Connector
BNC –> Bayonet Neill Concelman
BNC –> Bayonet Nut Coupling
BNC –> Brain Not Connected (Slang)
BNE –> Branch if Not Equal
BNEP –> Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol
BNF –> Backus-Naur Form
BNF –> Big Name Fan (Slang)
BNFSCD –> But Now For Something Completely Different (Slang)
BNI –> Before Next Interaction
BNK –> Betriebsfuehrungs-Netzknoten
BNPF –> Begin Negative Positive Finish
BNR –> Benutzernamensraum (Wikipedia)
BNS –> Backbone Network Service
BNS –> Bitte nicht stoeren (Wikipedia)
BNS –> Broadband Network Services
BNU –> Basic Network/Networking Utilities (uucp)
BO –> Back Orifice
BO –> Binary Output
BO –> Bit Oxide (Garbage)
BOA –> Basic Object Adapter
BOART –> Bus Oriented Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
BOB –> BoB: Best of Blogs
BOB –> Box Of Bits
BOB –> Break-Out Box
BOC –> Basic Operator Console
BOC –> Bell Operating Company
BOD –> Bandwidth/Book On Demand
BOF –> Begin Of File
BOF –> Birds Of a Feather (Slang)
BOF –> Board of Fellows
BOFH –> Bastard Operator From Hell
BOFS –> Birds Of a Feather Session (Slang)
BOG –> BIND Operations Guide
BOI –> Balkan/Baltic Olympiad in Informatics
BOINC –> Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing
BOM –> Basic Online Memory
BOM –> Begin Of Message/Media
BOM –> Bill Of Materials
BOM –> Business Object Model
BOM –> Byte Order Mark
BON –> Business Object Notation
BOND –> Bandwidth On Demand
BONT –> Broadband Optical Network Termination
BOOM –> Binocular Omni-Oriented/Orientation Monitor
BOOTP –> Bootstrap Protocol (Internet)
BOP –> Begin Of Page/Partition
BOP –> Bit Oriented Protocol
BOPS –> Billion Operations Per Second
BOR –> Basic Output Report
BORE –> Broken Once Running Everywhere
BORQU –> Borland Quattro
BOS –> Basic Operating System
BOS –> Basic OverSeer (Server)
BOS –> Behoerden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben
BOS –> Bottom Of Stack
BOSS –> Bharat Operating System Solutions
BOSS –> Business Office Servicing System
BOT –> Back On Topic (Slang)
BOT –> Begin Of Tape/Table/Transaction
BP –> Bandpass
BP –> Base Pointer
BP –> Beacon Period
BP –> Breakpoint
BP –> Byte Position
BPB –> BIOS Parameter Block
BPD –> Bank-Parameter-Datei
BPD –> Border Protection Device
BPDU –> Bridge Protocol Data Unit
BPEL –> Business Process Execution Language
BPF –> Band Pass Filter
BPF –> Berkeley Packet Filter
BPF –> Breakpoint Function
BPH –> Break Permitted Here
BPI –> bits per inch
BPJM –> Bundespruefstelle fuer jugendgefaehrdende Medien
BPL –> Bedienplatz
BPL –> Branch if Plus
BPL –> Broadband over Power Line
BPL –> Bugs Per Line
BPM –> Bundespostministerium
BPM –> Business Performance Management
BPM –> Business Process Management/Modelling
BPO –> Business Process Outsourcing
BPON –> Broadband Passive Optical Network
BPP –> Basic Printing Profile (Bluetooth)
BPP –> Binary Packing Problem
BPP –> Bits Per Pixel
BPP –> Bounded error, Probabilistic, Polynomial time
BPR –> Business Process Reengineering
BPS –> bits/bytes per second
BPSK –> Binary Phase Shift Keying
BPT –> Burst Performance Technology (Intel)
BPU –> Branch Prediction Unit
BQP –> Bounded error, Quantum, Polynomial time
BQS –> Berkeley Quality Software
BR –> Bad Register
BR –> Bit Rate
BRAM –> Broadcast Recognizing Access Method
BRAS –> Broadband Remote Access Server
BRB –> Be Right Back (Slang)
BRD –> Blu-ray Disc
BRDF –> Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function
BRE –> Basic Regular Expression
BREAD –> Browse, Read, Edit, Add, Delete
BREP –> Boundary Representation
BRGC –> Binary Reflected Gray Code
BRI –> Basic Rate Interface (ISDN)
BRI –> Brain Response Interface
BRIM –> Bridge Router Interface Module
BRJ –> Bandwidth Change Reject
BRL –> Ballistics Research Laboratory
BRMS –> Backup and Recovery Media Service
BRMS –> Business Rules Management System
BRQ –> Bandwidth Change Request
BRS –> Bibliographic Retrieval System
BRS –> Big Red Switch (IBM PC)
BRS –> Break Request Signal
BRS –> Business Recovery Services (IBM)
BS –> Backspace
BS –> Base Station
BS –> Betriebssystem
BS –> Bitonic Sort (Graph)
BS –> Broadcast Satellite
BSA –> Bitstrom-Anschluss
BSA –> Business Software Alliance
BSAM –> Basic Sequential Access Method
BSB –> Blockate State Block
BSC –> Base Station Controller
BSC –> Binary Synchronous Communications
BSC –> Bisynchronous/Binary Synchronous Communication (IBM)
BSC –> Boyan Script
BSCW –> Basic Support for Cooperative Work
BSD –> Basic Standard Definiton
BSD –> Berkeley Software/Source/System Design/Distribution
BSDL –> Boundary Scan Description Language
BSEL –> Bus Frequency Select (Intel)
BSF –> Bit Scan Forward
BSF –> But Seriously Folks (Slang)
BSI –> British Standards Institute
BSI –> Bundesamt fuer Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
BSK –> BS/K: Basissystem Kunden (Swisscom)
BSK –> Binaerer Symmetrischer Kanal
BSK –> Binary Shift Keying
BSK –> Board Software Kit
BSM –> Basic Storage Module
BSM –> Bracket State Manager
BSMTP –> Batch Simple Message Transfer Protocol
BSOD –> Blue Screen Of Death
BSP –> Binary Space Partition/Partitioning
BSP –> Bug Squashing Party
BSP –> Bulk Synchronous Parallel (Processing)
BSP –> Byte Stream Protocol
BSR –> Betriebssystem fuer Reelle Speicher
BSR –> Bit Scan Reverse
BSR –> Board of Standards Review (ANSI)
BSRAM –> Burst Static Random Access Memory
BSS –> Base Station Subsystem
BSS –> Basic Service Set (WLAN)
BSS –> Blank Storage Space
BSS –> Blind Source Separation
BSS –> Block Started by Symbol
BSS –> Block Storage Segment
BSS –> Broadband Switching System
BSS –> Business Support System
BSSID –> Basic Service Set Identifier
BSSRDF –> Bidirectional Surface Scattering Reflectance Distribution Function
BST –> Binary Search Tree
BSU –> Basic Striping Unit
BSV –> Betriebssystem fuer Virtuelle Adressierung
BSY –> Busy
BSYNC –> Binary Synchronous Communications (Protocol)
BT –> Bit Test
BT –> Bluetooth
BT –> British Telecom/Telecommunications
BT –> Burst Tolerance
BTA –> But Then Again (Slang)
BTAC –> Branch Target Address Cache
BTAIM –> Be That As It May (Slang)
BTAM –> Basic Telecommunication Access Method (IBM)
BTB –> Branch Target Buffer
BTC –> Bit Test and Complement
BTC –> Biting The Carpet (Slang)
BTC –> Broadband Transfer Capability
BTDT –> Been There Done That (Slang)
BTF –> Bidirectional Texture Function
BTHOM –> Beats The Hell Outta Me (Slang)
BTI –> British Telecom International
BTI –> Business Type Identifier
BTIC –> But Then, I'am Crazy (Slang)
BTK –> Back To Keyboard (Slang)
BTL –> Bell Telephone Laboratories
BTLB –> Block TLB
BTMA –> Busy Tone Multiple Access
BTO –> Built To Order
BTOA –> Binary To ASCII
BTP –> Banana Tree Protocol
BTP –> Batch Transfer Program
BTP –> Business Transaction Protocol
BTR –> Bit Test and Reset
BTRFS –> B-Tree File System
BTS –> Base Transceiver Station/System
BTS –> Bit Test and Set
BTS –> Bug Tracking System
BTSOOM –> Beats The Shit Out Of Me (Slang)
BTU –> Basic Transmission Unit
BTW –> By The Way (Slang)
BTX –> Balanced Technology Extended
BTX –> Bildschirmtext
BU –> Branch Unit
BUAF –> Big Ugly ASCII Font
BUAG –> Big Ugly ASCII Graphic
BUBL –> Bulletin Board for Libraries
BUCS –> Budgeting and Computing System
BUF –> Buffer
BUMS –> Broadband Unified Messaging System
BUP –> Backup (file)
BUP –> Buffer Underrun Protection
BUS –> Bild und Schrift
BUS –> Binary Utility System
BUS –> Broadcast and Unknown Server
BUUG –> Belgian UNIX Users Group
BVB –> Bundesverband Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme
BVD –> Boot Volume Descriptor
BVDM –> Bundesverband Druck und Medien
BVDW –> Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft
BVH –> Base Video Handler
BVIT –> Bundesverband Informationstechnologien, Bonn
BVSE –> Bundesverband fuer Sekundaerrohstoffe und Entsorgung
BVSI –> Bundesverband der Selbstaendigen in der Informatik
BVV –> Bundesverband Audiovisuelle Medien
BW –> Bandwidth
BWA –> Broadband Wireless Access
BWF –> Broadcast Wave Format
BWIN –> Breitband Wissenschafts-Netz
BWM –> Block Write Mode
BWQ –> Buzz Word Quotient
BWSN –> Baden-Wuerttembergisches Schulnetz
BWT –> Broadband Wireless Technology
BWT –> Burrows Wheeler Transformation
BYKT –> But You Knew That (Slang)
BYP –> Bypass
BZ –> Betriebszentrale
BZR –> Befehlzaehlregister
BZT –> Bundesamt fuer Zulassungen in der Telekommunikation
BZV –> Bargeldloser/Belegorientierter Zahlungsverkehr
BZV –> Befristeter Zaehlervergleich
BZVD –> Beratungszentrum fuer Videokonferenzdienste, Dresden

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