
T – Abkürzungen von Fachbegriffen aus der IT

“T” – Abkürzungsverzeichnis von Fachbegriffen aus der IT – dies bedeuten sie!

Fachsprachen gerade aus dem IT Umfeld haben es in sich! Doch gibt es für einen Fachbegriff auch noch eine Abkürzung, so haben oft selbst Experten aus einem angrenzenden Fachgebiet Probleme dessen Bedeutung zu erahnen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir hier ein kleines Abkürzungsverzeichnis aus dem EDV Bereich online gestellt.

Abkürzung –> Bedeutung

T –> Telecomm, Telephone, Terminal, Text, Time
T –> Taktleitung
T –> Transmit Data
T2 –> Telecommunication 2 (link)
TA –> Terminaladapter, Informationstechnische Anschlussdose
TA –> Traffic Announcement
TA –> Transmitter Address
TAB –> Tabulator
TAB –> Technical Advisory Board
TABD –> Transatlantic Business Dialogue
TABYAS –> Thinking All But You Are Stupid (Slang)
TAC –> Terminal Access Control/Controller
TAC –> Transparent Audio Coding
TAC –> Type Approval Code
TACACS –> Terminal Access Controller Access Control System
TACC –> Texas Advanced Computing Center, USA
TACS –> Total Access Communications
TAD –> Telephone Answering Device
TADS –> Text Adventure Development System
TAE –> Telekommunikations-Anschluss-Einheit
TAFN –> That's All For Now (Slang)
TAG –> Technology Advisors Group
TAG –> Text And Graphics
TAG –> Tiny Aggregation
TAGC –> Tag Close Delimiter
TAI –> Temps Atomique International
TAL –> Teilnehmeranschlussleitung
TAL –> Template Attribute Language
TALES –> Template Attribute Language Expression Syntax
TAM –> Telefon, Anrufbeantworter, Modem
TAM –> Telephone Answering Machine
TAN –> Total Area Network
TAN –> Transaction Number
TANJ –> There Ain't No Justice (Slang)
TANSTAAFL –> There Ain't No Such Things As A Free Lunch (Slang)
TANSTAANFS –> There Ain't No Such Things As A Noise Free System (Slang)
TAO –> Telephony Application Object
TAO –> Track At Once
TAO –> Traduction Assistee par Ordinateur
TAOCP –> The Art Of Computer Programming (D. Knuth)
TAP –> Telcom Advantage Packaging
TAP –> Telecator Alphanumeric Protocol
TAP –> Terminal Access Point
TAP –> Test Access Port
TAPI –> Telephony Application Programming Interface (Intel, Microsoft)
TAPR –> Tucson Amateur Packet Radio Group
TAR –> Tape Archive (Format)
TARFU –> Things Are Really Fouled Up (Slang)
TAS –> Telephone Answering Service
TASI –> Time-Assignment Speech Interpolation
TAU –> Test Access Unit
TAV –> Test, Analyse, Verifikation (von Software)
TAXI –> Transparent Asynchronous Transceiver Interface
TBA –> To Be Advised/Announced
TBB –> Threading Building Blocks (Intel)
TBC –> Time Base Corrector
TBETSI –> Technischer Beirat fuer Normungsfragen des ETSI
TBF –> Technisch betriebliche Funktionsbedingungen
TBH –> To Be Honest (Slang)
TBL –> Technik fuer Betriebslenkung
TBL –> Tim Berners-Lee
TBO –> Total Benefits of Ownership
TBRPF –> Topology dissemination Based on Reverse Path Forwarding
TBS –> Tape Backup System
TBS –> Telecom Billing System
TBS –> Telecom Bus Serializer
TBS –> Terabit Burst Switching
TBS –> Time-Based Sampling
TBS –> Tiny But Strong (PHP)
TBS –> To Be Specified
TBS –> Tool Box Solution
TBS –> Touchless Biometric System
TBS –> Transmit Silence Bit
TBS –> Transparent Burst Switching
TBS –> Turner Broadcast System
TBT –> Truncated Binary Tree
TBTT –> Target Beacon Transmission Time
TC –> Technical Committee/Corrigendum
TC –> Telecine
TC –> Transform Coding
TC –> Transmission Control/Convergence
TC –> Treatment Code
TC –> Trust Center
TCA –> Telecommunications Carrier Association
TCA –> Tightly Coupled Architecture
TCA –> Traffic Conditioning Agreement
TCAM –> Telecommunications Access Method
TCAM –> Telecommunications Conformity Assessment and Market (Surveillance Committee)
TCAM –> Ternary Content Addressable Memory
TCAM –> Timer Counter Access Module
TCAM –> Tivoli Composite Application Manager
TCAM –> Traffic Control And Monitoring
TCAP –> Transaction Capability Application Part
TCB –> Trouble Came Back
TCB –> Trusted Computer/Computing Base
TCCC –> IEEE Technical Committee on Computer Communications
TCE –> Transmission Control Element
TCF –> Transparent Computing Facility
TCFS –> Transparent Cryptographic File System
TCG –> Trusted Computing Group
TCH –> Traffic Channel
TCI –> Tag Control Information
TCIF –> Telecommunications Industry Forum, USA
TCK –> Technology Compatibility Kit
TCL –> Tool Command Language
TCLSH –> Tool Command Language Shell
TCM –> Terminal Controller Module
TCM –> Time Compression Multiplexing
TCM –> Trellis Code Modulation
TCMP –> Tightly Coupled Multiprocessor System
TCNG –> Traffic Control Next Generation
TCNS –> Thomas Conrad Networking System
TCO –> Tjaenstemaennens Centralorganisation (Schweden)
TCO –> Total Cost of Ownership
TCOS –> IEEE Technical Committee on Operating Systems
TCP –> Tape Carrier Package
TCP –> Telephony Control Protocol (Bluetooth)
TCP –> TeX Code Page
TCP –> Transmission Control Protocol/Program (Internet)
TCP –> Trusted Computing Platform
TCPIP –> TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (Internet)
TCPA –> Time of Closest Point of Approach
TCPA –> Trusted Computing Platform Alliance/Architecture
TCQ –> Tagged Command Queuing
TCR –> Telephone Conversation Record
TCS –> Telephony Control Specification
TCS –> Terminating Call Screening
TCSB –> Traffic Control State Block
TCSEC –> Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (Orange Book)
TCT –> The Coroner's Toolkit
TCU –> Transmission Control Unit
TCW –> Tagged Control Word
TD –> Transmit Data
TDA –> Tactile Digital Assistant
TDA –> Telediffusion d'Algerie
TDA –> Temporal Data Authority
TDA –> Terminal Data Adapter
TDA –> To Do Archive
TDA –> Tracking and Data Acquisition
TDA –> Traffic Data Acquisition
TDA –> Transition Data Analysis
TDA –> Transmitted/Transported Data
TDA –> Tunnel Diode Amplifier
TDAB –> T-DAB: Terrestrial Digital Audio Broadcasting
TDAC –> Time Domain Aliasing Cancellation
TDB –> Trivial Data Base
TDC –> Transparent/Tranportation Data Channel
TDCC –> Transportation Data Coordinating Committee
TDD –> Telecommunication Device for the Deaf
TDD –> Time Division Duplex
TDDSG –> Teledienstedatenschutzgesetz
TDDSGDVO –> Teledienstedatenschutzgesetzdurchfuehrungsverordnung
TDE –> Telescript Development Environment
TDES –> Triple Data Encryption Standard
TDF –> Telediffusion de France
TDF –> Telemetry/Tracking Data Formatter
TDF –> Time Division/Domain Filtering
TDF –> Title/Trace/Typeface Definition File/Format
TDF –> Transaction Data File
TDF –> Transborder/Transnational Data Flow
TDF –> Transformada De Fourier
TDG –> Telekommunikations-Dienst-Gesetz, Teledienstegesetz
TDHS –> Time Domain Harmonic Scaling
TDI –> Transport Driver Interface
TDL –> Trusted Devices List
TDM –> Time Division Multiplexer/Multiplexing
TDMA –> Time Division Multiple/Multiplex Access
TDMF –> Transparent Data Migration Facility
TDP –> Tag Distribution Protocol
TDP –> Thermal/Typical Design Power
TDR –> Time Domain Reflectometer/Reflectometry
TDRS –> Tracking and Data Relay Satellite
TDS –> TeX Directory Structure
TDSR –> Transmitter Data Service Request
TDSV –> Telekommmunikations-Datenschutz-Verordnung
TDT –> Terrestrial Dynamic Time
TDU –> Topology Database Update
TDX –> Time Domain Crosstalk
TE –> Terminal Equipment
TE –> Traffic Engineering
TE –> Type Enforcement
TEA –> Tiny Encryption Algorithm
TEB –> Thread Environment Block
TEC –> Total Electron Content
TECO –> Tape/Text Editor and Corrector
TED –> Telefonischer Ermittlungsdienst
TEE –> Trusted Execution Environment
TEGFET –> Two-dimensional Electron Gas Field Effect Transistor
TEHO –> Tail End Hop Off
TEI –> Terminal Endpoint Identifier
TEI –> Text Encoding and Interchange
TEI –> Text Encoding Initiative
TEI –> Transport Error Indicator
TEL –> Trans Europe Line
TELEX –> Telegraph Exchange (Fernschreiben)
TELNET –> Telecommunications Network
TEMEX –> Telemetry Exchange
TEMPE –> Telecommunications and Enterprise Multimedia Platform Environment
TEN –> Trans European Network
TEP –> Transequatorial Propagation
TER –> Terminal Interface
TES –> Teknisk signalspaning, Schweden
TET –> Test Environment Toolkit
TETRA –> Trans European/Terrestrial Trunked Radio (System)
TF –> Task Force
TF –> Term Frequency
TF –> Theoriefindung (Wikipedia)
TF –> Traegerfrequenz
TFA –> Transparent File Access
TFB –> Terminal Framing Bit/Bits
TFB –> Thin Film Battery
TFB –> Time Frequency Bus
TFC –> Thermal Fly-height Control
TFC –> Traffic Channel
TFD –> Thin Film Diode
TFDD –> Text File Device Driver
TFE –> Tuerfreisprecheinrichtung
TFEL –> Thin Film Electroluminescent
TFH –> Text File/Files from Hell (Slang)
TFH –> Thanks For Helping (Slang)
TFH –> Thin Film Head
TFM –> TeX Font Metric
TFN –> Tribe Flood Network
TFS –> Translucent File System (Sun)
TFT –> Thin Film Transistor (Display)
TFTP –> Trivial File Transfer Protocol (Internet)
TFTS –> Terrestrial Flight Telephone System
TFTT –> Thanks For The Thought (Slang)
TFX –> Thin Form Factor Extended
TG –> Target
TG –> Transmission Group
TGAL –> Think Globally, Act Locally (Slang)
TGB –> Tres Grande Bibliotheque
TGIF –> Thank God It's Friday (Slang)
TGM –> Timetable Generation Module
TGN –> Thesaurus of Geographic Names
TGN –> Transmission Group Number
TGS –> Ticket Granting Server/Service
TGT –> Ticket Granting Ticket
TH –> Transmission Header
TH –> Trouble History
THD –> Technische Hochschule Darmstadt (jetzt TUD), Deutschland
THP –> Tomlinson Harashima Precoder
THT –> Through Hole Technology
THT –> Token Hold/Holding Time/Timer
THWLAIAS –> The Hour Was Late, And I Am Senile (Slang)
THX –> Thanks (Slang)
THX –> Tomlinson Holman's Experiment
TI –> Tele Immersion
TI –> Texas Instruments Inc.
TI –> Transaction Identifier
TIA –> Telecommunications Industries Association
TIA –> Thanks In Advance (Slang)
TIA –> Totally Integrated Automation
TIAM –> Terminal Interactive Access Method
TIB –> Tag Information Base
TIB –> Technische Informationsbibliothek, Hannover
TIC –> Token Ring Interface Coupler
TIC –> Tongue In Cheek (Slang)
TICF –> Transport Independent Convergence for FNA
TID –> Target Identifier
TIDSV –> Telekommunikations- und Informationsdienstunternehmen-Datenschutzverordnung
TIE –> Time Interval Error
TIES –> Telecom Information Exchange Services, Genf
TIES –> Time-Independent Escape Sequence
TIF –> Tag Image Format
TIF –> Technik- und Informationsforum (VPRT)
TIFF –> Tag/Tagged Image File Format
TIG –> Terminal Internet Gateway
TIGA –> Texas Instruments Graphics Architecture
TIL –> Technical Information Library
TIM –> Thermal Interface Material
TIM –> Traffic Indication Map/Message
TINAR –> This Is Not A Recommendation/Review (Slang)
TINC –> There Is No Cabal (Slang)
TINS –> This Is No Shit (Slang)
TINSTAAFL –> There Is No Such Things As A Free Lunch (Slang)
TINWIS –> That Is Not What I Said (Slang)
TIP –> Technology Integration Program
TIP –> Terminal IMP
TIP –> Terminal Interface Processor
TIP –> Terminal Internet Protocol
TIP –> Transputer Image Processing
TIPC –> Telecommunications Information Privacy Code
TIPC –> Total Information Processing
TIPC –> Transparent Inter Process Communication
TIPC –> Transputer Image Processing
TIPHON –> Telecommunications and Internet Protocol Harmonization over Networks
TIRPC –> Transport Independent Remote Procedure Call
TISE –> Take It Somewhere Else (Slang)
TISPAN –> Telecoms & Internet converged Services & Protocols for Advanced Networks
TK –> Telekommunikation
TKG –> Telekommunikationsgesetz
TKIP –> Temporal Key Integrity Protocol
TKO –> Telekommunikationsordnung
TKUe –> Telekommunikations-Ueberwachung
TKUeV –> Telekommunikations-Ueberwachungsverordnung
TKV –> Telekommunikations-Kundenschutzverordnung
TKZULV –> Telekommunikationszulassungsverordnung
TL –> Transport Layer
TLA –> Temporal Logic of Actions
TLA –> Three Letter Acronym
TLA –> Top Level Aggregator
TLAB –> Translation Look Aside Buffer
TLAP –> Token Talk Link Access Protocol
TLB –> Translation Look Aside Buffer
TLC –> Target Language Compiler
TLD –> Top Level Domain
TLDP –> The Linux Documentation Project
TLER –> Time Limited Error Recovery
TLGE –> The Little Golem Editor
TLH –> Top Level Hierarchy
TLI –> Transport/Transfer Layer/Library Interface
TLK –> Trusted Linux Kernel
TLM –> Telemetry (word)
TLN –> Telephone/Transfer Line Number
TLN –> Terminal Location Number
TLN –> The Learning/Library/Local Network
TLN –> Too Late Now (Slang)
TLN –> Transnational Learning Network
TLN –> Trunk Line Network
TLNKG –> Teilnehmerkennung (NUI)
TLQ –> Top Letter Quality
TLS –> Thread Local Storage
TLS –> Three Level Scheduling
TLS –> Transport Layer Security
TLT –> Teaching, Learning, and Technology
TLT –> Temporal Logic of Transitions
TLU –> Table Lookup
TLV –> Tag, Length, Value
TM –> Tape/Trade Mark
TM –> Terminal Multiplexer
TM –> Test Mode
TM –> Traffic Management
TM –> Transaction Monitor
TM –> Turing Machine
TMA –> Telecom Management
TMA –> Telecommunication Managers‘ Association
TMA –> Telekom Malaysia
TMA –> Thinfilm Micromirror Array
TMA –> Timeseries Moving Average
TMA –> Tivoli Management Agent
TMA –> Trusted Mail Agent
TMAC –> Telex Multimedia Audio Communication
TMAC –> Tool Monitor Adaptive Control
TMC –> Traffic Message Channel
TMD –> Time Division Multiplexing
TMDS –> Transition Minimized Differential Signal
TME –> Tetra Meldeempfaenger
TME –> Tivoli Management Environment
TMG –> Telemediengesetz
TMM –> Testing Maturity Model
TMN –> Telecom Managed Network
TMN –> Telecommunications Management Network
TMO –> Thermal Magnetic Optical
TMP –> Temporary
TMR –> Triple Modular Redundancy
TMR –> Tunnel/Tunneling Magnetoresistance
TMRC –> Tech Model Railroad Club
TMS –> Truth Maintenance System
TMSI –> Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity
TMSL –> Test and Measurement Systems Language
TMTO –> Time Memory Trade Off
TMTOWTDI –> There's More Than One Way To Do It (Slang)
TMX –> Translation Memory Exchange (LISA)
TMX –> Transparent Matrix (switch)
TN –> TelNet
TN –> Twisted Nematic (panel)
TNA –> Temex-Netzabschluss
TNB –> Teilnehmernetzbetreiber
TNB –> Telekommunikationsnetz-Betreiber
TNC –> Terminal Node Controller
TND –> (Directie) Toezicht Netwerken en Diensten (NL)
TNFEM –> Twisted Nematic Field Effective Material
TNHD –> The New Hackers's Dictionary
TNN –> Transport Network Node
TNPC –> Taiwan New PC Consortium
TNPP –> Telocator Network Paging Protocol
TNS –> Temporal Noise Shaping
TNS –> Transparent Network Substrate
TNV –> Total Network Visibility
TNX –> Thanks (Slang)
TO –> Timeout
TOA –> Type Of Address
TOC –> Table Of Content/Contents
TOD –> Time Of Day
TODO –> (kein Akronym, to do = noch zu erledigen)
TOE –> TCP/IP Offload Engine
TOEIC –> Test of English for International Communication
TOF –> Task Oriented Forms
TOF –> Top of Form
TOFU –> Text Oben, Fullquote Unten (Slang)
TOG –> The Open Group
TOG –> (ACM) Transactions On Graphics
TOI –> T-Online International AG
TOJ –> Tears Of Joy (Slang)
TOL –> T-Online
TOM –> T-Online Messenger
TOP –> Table Of Pages
TOP –> Technical and Office Protocol
TOPFET –> Temperature and Overload Protected FET
TOR –> Telex Over Radio
TOR –> The Onion Router
TOS –> Tape Operating System
TOS –> The/Tramiel's Operating System
TOS –> Top Of Stack
TOS –> Type Of Service
TOUR –> Transport Optional Upgrade Release
TP –> Technology Preview
TP –> Tiefpass
TP –> Traffic Program
TP –> Transaction Processing
TP –> Transport Protocol
TP –> Turbo PASCAL
TP0 –> Transport Protocol Class 0 (OSI)
TP4 –> Transport Protocol Class 4 (OSI)
TPA –> Transient Program Area
TPC –> Teleprocessing Center
TPC –> Test Port Card
TPC –> Third Party Certificate
TPC –> Total Project Cost
TPC –> Touch Panel Controller
TPC –> Traffic Parameter Control
TPC –> Transaction Processing Performance Council
TPC –> Transactions on Professional Communication (IEEE)
TPC –> Transmit/Transmitter Power Control
TPC –> Turbo Pascal Compiler (Borland)
TPCB –> TPC-B: Transaction Processing Performance Council Benchmark B
TPCH –> TPC-H: Transaction Processing Performance Council Benchmark for Ad-hoc queries
TPDDI –> Twisted Pair Distributed Data Interface
TPDU –> Transport Protocol Data Unit
TPEP –> Trusted Product Evaluation Program
TPF –> The Perl Foundation
TPF –> Transmission Priority Field
TPH –> Transport Packet Header
TPI –> Tag Protocol Identifier
TPI –> tracks per inch
TPL –> Tested Product List
TPM –> Tape Processing Machine (IBM)
TPM –> Technological Protection Measures
TPM –> Terrible/Trusted Platform Module
TPM –> Third Party Maintenance
TPM –> Total/Traditional Power Management
TPM –> Transaction Processing Monitor
TPM –> Transactions Per Minute
TPM –> Transmission Path Monitor
TPM –> Transparent Prolog Machine
TPM –> Trusted Platform Model/Module
TPM –> Two Procedures Modem
TPS –> Third Person Shooter
TPS –> Transaction Processing System
TPS –> Transactions Per Second
TPSE –> Transaction Processing Service Element
TPSN –> Timing-Sync Protocol for Sensor Networks
TPTB –> The Powers That Be (Slang)
TPU –> Text Processing Utility
TPU –> Transparency Unit
TPU –> Turbo PASCAL Unit
TQFP –> Thin Quad Flat Package
TQM –> Total Quality Management
TR –> Task Register
TR –> Technische Richtlinie
TR –> Terminal Ready
TR –> Token Ring
TR –> Travan Cartridge
TR –> Travel Report
TR –> Trunk Reservation
TRA –> Technology Related Anxiety
TRA –> Telecommunications Research Associates
TRAC –> Telecommunications Recommendations Application Committee
TRAC –> Traceable Authentic Content (Philips)
TRAU –> Transcoder and Rate Adaption Unit
TRC –> Tone Reproduction Curve
TRCVR –> Transmitter-Receiver, Transceiver
TRDMC –> Tears Running Down My Cheeks (Slang)
TRE –> Telecommunications Research Establishment, Malvern, England
TREAT –> Trouble Report Evaluation and Analysis Tool
TREC –> Text Retrieval Conference
TRIE –> (kein/not an acronym; Praefix-Baum)
TRIL –> Token Ring Interoperability Lab
TRIP –> Telephony Routing over IP
TRIPS –> Tera-op, Reliable, Intelligently adaptive Processing System
TRIPS –> Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
TRIZ –> Teorija Reschenija Isobretatelskich Zadatsch
TRMPWR –> Terminator Power (Leitung, SCSI)
TRNG –> True Random Number Generator
TROLI –> Token Ring Optimized Link Interface
TRON –> The Realtime Operating System Nucleus
TRT –> Token Ring Terminal
TRT –> Token Ring/Rotation Time/Timer
TRX –> Transmitter-Receiver, Transceiver
TS –> Telesync
TS –> Timestamp (Zeitstempel)
TS –> Transport Station, Telekom Service
TSA –> Target Service Agent
TSA –> Technical Support Alliance, Test Signal Analyser
TSAP –> Transport Service Access Point (OSI)
TSAPI –> Telephony Server/Service Application Programming Interface
TSB –> Technical Service Bulletin
TSC –> Time Stamp Counter
TSC –> TKIP Sequence Counter
TSC –> Transport Scrambling Control
TSCC –> Technical Standards and Common Criteria
TSCC –> Technical Support Call/Contact Center
TSCC –> Techsmith Screen Capture Codec
TSCC –> Terminal Server Connection Configuration
TSCC –> Time Slot Control Channel
TSE –> Text Setup Environment
TSF –> Timing Synchronization Function
TSIG –> Transaction Signature(s)
TSK –> Task
TSK –> The Sleuth Kit (Software)
TSK –> Touch Sensitive Keyboard
TSK –> Traffic Security Key
TSK –> Transient Session Key
TSM –> Terminal Server Manager (DEC)
TSM –> Tivoli Storage Manager
TSO –> TCP Segmentation Offload
TSO –> Time Sharing Option (IBM)
TSOHF –> Total Sense Of Humour Failure (Slang)
TSOP –> Thin Small Outline Package
TSP –> Texture and Shading Processor
TSP –> Time-Stamp Protocol
TSP –> Travelling Salesman Problem
TSPI –> Telephony Service Provider Interface
TSPS –> Traffic Service Position System
TSR –> Terminate and Stay Resident
TSS –> Task State Segment
TSS –> TCP Support for Sensor Networks
TSS –> Telecommunications Standardisation/Standards Sector (ITU)
TSS –> Temex-Schnittstelle
TSS –> Time Sharing System
TSSDC –> Task State Segment Descriptor Cache
TST –> Transmit Start Threshold
TSTN –> Triple Supertwisted Nematic
TSW –> Tele-Software
TSWTCM –> Time Sliding Window Three Colour Marker
TT –> Terminal Timing
TT –> Tracing Thread
TT –> Trunk Type
TTAP –> Trust Technology Assessment Program
TTBOMK –> To The Best Of My Knowledge (Slang)
TTCAN –> Time Triggered Communications Area Network
TTCN –> Testing and Test Control Notation
TTF –> Truetype Font, Timetable File
TTFF –> Time To First Fix (GPS)
TTFN –> Ta Ta For Now (Slang)
TTI –> Teaching, Training, and Information
TTL –> Time To Live
TTL –> Transistor-Transistor-Logik
TTLS –> Tunneled Transport Layer Security
TTML –> Tagged Text Markup Language
TTO –> Tactical Technology Office
TTP –> Time Triggered Protocol
TTP –> Timed Token Protocol
TTP –> Trusted Third Party
TTRT –> Target Token Rotation Time/Timer
TTS –> Text To Speech
TTS –> Transaction Tracking System
TTSL –> Tieftemperatur-Supraleiter
TTSL –> Trying To Suppress Laughter (Slang)
TTT –> Teleteaching and Training
TTT –> That's The Truth (Slang)
TTTN –> Tandem Tie Trunk Network
TTU –> Teletex-Telex-Umsetzer
TTUL –> Talk To You Later (Slang)
TTW –> Through The Web
TTX –> Teletex
TTX –> Videotext
TTXAU –> Teletex Access Unit
TTY –> Teletype (Fernschreiber)
TTYL –> Type/Talk To You Later (Slang)
TU –> Tributary Unit
TUBA –> TCP and UDP with Big/Bigger Addresses
TUD –> Technische Universitaet Darmstadt (ehemals THD), Deutschland
TUE –> Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, NL
TUE –> Transmit Underrun Register Empty
TUE –> Trusted User Engine
TUEB –> Temex-Uebertragungsbaugruppe
TUG –> TeX User Group
TUG –> Tributary Unit Group
TUHS –> The UNIX Heritage Society
TUI –> Tangible/Telephone/Text/Touch User Interface
TULIP –> TCP and UDP over Lightweight IP
TUP –> Telephone User Port
TUSTEP –> Tuebinger System von Textverarbeitungsprogrammen
TV –> Television
TVC –> Transient Virtual Channel
TVI –> Television Interference
TVOL –> TV Online Cable Service
TVR –> Temex-Vermittlungsrechner
TVS –> Transient Voltage Suppression/Suppressor
TVST –> Teilnehmer-Vermittlungsstelle
TVX –> Valid Transmission Time/Timer
TWAIN –> Technology Without An Interesting Name
TWINKLE –> The Weizman Institute Key Locating Engine
TWIRP –> Two Way Infrared Protocol
TWIU –> That's What I Understand/Understood (Slang)
TWSC –> Team World Service Center
TWX –> Teletypewriter Exchange Service
TWX –> Twinax (Cable)
TX –> Telex (Fernschreiben)
TX –> transmit, Transmitter
TXC –> Transmit Clock
TXD –> Transmitted Data
TXD –> Transmitter Delay
TXT –> Trusted Execution Technology
TYCLO –> Turn Your Caps Lock Off (Slang)
TYVM –> Thank You Very Much (Slang)

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  1. It’s really a great and useful piece of info. I’m happy
    that you just shared this helpful information with us.
    Please keep us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.

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