X – Abkürzungen von Fachbegriffen aus der IT

“X” – Abkürzungsverzeichnis von Fachbegriffen aus der IT – dies bedeuten sie!

Fachsprachen gerade aus dem IT Umfeld haben es in sich! Doch gibt es für einen Fachbegriff auch noch eine Abkürzung, so haben oft selbst Experten aus einem angrenzenden Fachgebiet Probleme dessen Bedeutung zu erahnen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir hier ein kleines Abkürzungsverzeichnis aus dem EDV Bereich online gestellt.

Abkürzung –> Bedeutung

X –> Exchange, Execute, Extended, X Window System
X11 –> X Window System Version 11
X11R7 –> X Window System Version 11 Release 7
X3D –> Extended Three Dimensions (Web)
XA –> Extended Architecture/Attribute
XAA –> XFree86 Acceleration Architecture
XAFS –> X-ray Absorption Fine Structure
XAML –> Extensible Application Markup Language
XAPIA –> X.400-API Association
XAUI –> 10 Gigabit Attachment Unit Interface
XBAC –> Experience Based Admission Control
XBAP –> XAML Browser Application
XBEL –> XML Bookmark Exchange Language
XBL –> Exploits Block List
XBL –> Extensible Binding Language
XBM –> X Window System Black-and-white Bitmap (file)
XBMC –> XBox Media Center
XBRL –> Extensible Business Reporting Language
XC –> Extended Configuration
XC –> Cross Connect
XCBP –> XML Common Biometric Format
XCD –> Extended Compact Disc
XCF –> Experimental Computing Facility
XCF –> Extended Communication Facility
XCF –> Cross System Coupling Facility (IBM)
XCHG –> Exchange
XCHS –> Extended Cylinders, Heads, Sectors
XCMD –> Extended Mode Command (Apple)
XCMD –> External Command
XCP –> Extended Copy Protection (Sony)
XD –> Execute Disable
XD –> xD: Extreme Digital (card)
XDCS –> X/Open Distributed Computing Services
XDF –> Extended Density Format (IBM)
XDLE –> Transparent Data Link Escape
XDM –> X11 Display Manager
XDMCP –> X11 Display Manager Control Protocol
XDP –> XML Data Package
XDR –> External/Extended Data Representation
XDS –> X/Open Directory Service
XE –> Extended Edition
XE –> Execution Environment (Cisco)
XED –> XML Enabled Directory
XETB –> Transparent End of Transmission Block
XETX –> Transparent End of Text
XEWA –> XML-Enabled Wide Area Search in Bioinformatics
XFA –> Extended File Attribute
XFA –> XML Forms Architecture
XFCN –> External Function
XFDF –> XML Forms Data Format
XFDL –> Extensible Forms Description Language
XFI –> X-Fi: Xtreme Fidelity (Creative Technology)
XFN –> X/Open Federated Naming Service
XFS –> Extensions for Financial Services
XFS –> SGI Extended File System
XFS –> X11 Extended File System
XFS –> X11 Font Server
XG –> Extended General MIDI
XGA –> Extended Graphics Array (IBM)
XHCI –> Extended Host Controller Interface
XHR –> XML HTTP Request (object)
XHTML –> Extensible Hypertext Markup Language
XID –> Exchange Identifier/Identification
XIE –> X11 Image/Imaging Extension (Standard)
XIE-DIS –> XIE Document Imaging Subset
XIM –> X11 Input Method
XIO –> Extended Input Output
XITB –> Transparent Intermediate Block
XKB –> X11 Keyboard Extension
XL –> Excel (Microsoft)
XL –> Extra/Extremely Large/Low
XLATE –> Translate
XLF –> Exceptional Fortran (IBM)
XLFD –> X11 Logical Font Description/Descriptor
XLIFF –> XML Localization Interchange File Format
XLINK –> Extended Local Informatik Netz Karlsruhe
XLL –> Extensible Link/Linking Language
XLL –> XLink and XPointer Languages
XLM –> Excel Macro Language (Microsoft)
XLS –> Excel Spreadsheet
XLS –> XML for Location Services
XMF –> Extensible Music Format (MIDI)
XMF –> XML Mapping Format
XMI –> XTendbus Multibus Interface
XMIT –> Transmit
XML –> Extensible Markup Language
XMM –> Extended Memory Manager
XMP –> X/Open Management Protocol
XMP –> Extensible Metadata Platform (Adobe)
XMPP –> Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol
XMS –> Extended Memory Specification
XMSN –> Transmission
XMT –> Transmit
XMTR –> Transmitter
XNS –> Xerox Network Services/Standard/System
XO –> Crystal Oscillator
XO –> Hug and Kiss (Slang)
XOFF –> Exchange/Transmitter Off
XOM –> X/Open Management
XON –> Exchange/Transmitter On
XOR –> Exclusive Or (EOR)
XORP –> Extensible Open Router Platform
XOS –> Experimental Operating System
XOT –> X.25 Over TCP/IP
XP –> Cross Point
XP –> Extreme Programming
XPATH –> XML Path Language
XPC –> X11 Performance Characterization Group
XPEL –> X11 Protocol Engine Library
XPFE –> Cross Platform Front End
XPG –> X/Open Portability Guide
XPLA –> Extended Programmable Logic Array
XPM –> X Window System Pixelmap (file)
XPS –> XML Paper Specification
XPT –> External Page Table
XPVM –> Executable Parallel Virtual Machine
XQL –> XML Query Language
XR –> Index Register
XRC –> Extended Remote Copy
XREF –> Cross Reference List
XSC –> Extended Scientific Calculation
XSD –> Xenix Shared Data
XSD –> XML Schema Definition/Description/Document
XSDT –> Extended System Description Table
XSI –> X/Open Systenm Interface Specification
XSL –> Extensible Style(sheet) Language
XSLFO –> Extensible Style(sheet) Language Formatting Object
XSLT –> Extensible Style(sheet) Language Transformation
XSMD –> Extended Storage Module Drive
XSMP –> X11 Session Manager Protocol
XSS –> Cross-Site Scripting
XSSI –> Extended Server Side Includes
XSSO –> X/Open Single Sign-On (Service)
XSTX –> Transparent Start of Text
XSYN –> Transparent Synchronous Idle
XT –> Crosstalk
XT –> Extended Technology
XTAL –> Crystal
XTCLK –> External Transmit Clock
XTI –> X/Open Transport (Layer) Interface
XTM –> Extensible Threat Management
XTP –> XPress Transfer Protocol
XTTD –> Transparent Temporary Text Delay
XUI –> X11 User Interface
XUL –> Extensible/XML-Based User Interface Language
XUMA –> Expertensystem Umweltgefaehrlichkeit von Altlasten
XVE –> X11 Visual Extensions
XVI –> XTendbus VMEbus Interface
XVS –> X/Open System V Specification
XVT –> Extensible Virtual Toolkit
XWD –> X11 Window Dump
XWS –> X Window System, X11

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