W – Abkürzungen von Fachbegriffen aus der IT

“W” – Abkürzungsverzeichnis von Fachbegriffen aus der IT – dies bedeuten sie!

Fachsprachen gerade aus dem IT Umfeld haben es in sich! Doch gibt es für einen Fachbegriff auch noch eine Abkürzung, so haben oft selbst Experten aus einem angrenzenden Fachgebiet Probleme dessen Bedeutung zu erahnen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir hier ein kleines Abkürzungsverzeichnis aus dem EDV Bereich online gestellt.

Abkürzung –> Bedeutung

W –> Wide, Window, Wireless, World
W3 –> WWW, World Wide Web (Internet)
W3C –> World Wide Web Consortium
WAA –> Wavelet Analysis and its Applications
WAA –> Web Analytics Association
WAA –> Web Application Adaptor
WAA –> Wireless Advertising Association
WAAS –> Wide Area Augmentation System
WAB –> What Another Bill (Slang)
WAB –> Windows Address Book (Microsoft)
WABI –> Windows Application Binary Interface
WACK –> Wait Acknowledgement
WACS –> Wireless Access Communications System
WAD –> Waehlautomat fuer Datenverbindungen
WADFS –> Wide Area Distributed File System
WAE –> Worked All Europe
WAENA –> Wide Area Educational Network
WAF –> Web Application Firewall
WAF –> Womens‘ Acceptance Factor
WAFL –> Write Anywhere File Layout
WAI –> Web Accessibility Initiative
WAIK –> Windows Automated Installation Toolkit
WAIS –> Wide Area Information Servers/Service
WAITS –> Wide Area Information Transfer System
WAL –> Write Ahead Logging
WAM –> Warren Abstract Machine
WAM –> Wide Amplitude Modulation
WAMKSAM –> Why Are My Kids Staring At Me? (Slang)
WAMP –> Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP
WAMPUM –> Ward's Automated Menu Package Using Microcomputers
WAN –> Wide Area Network
WAO –> Warteschlange der ablaufbereiten Objekte
WAP –> Wireless Application Protocol
WAP –> Wissenschaftlicher Arbeitsplatz
WAPECS –> Wireless Access Policy for Electronic Communication Services
WAPI –> Wireless Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure
WAR –> Waiting for the Release (Slang)
WAR –> Web Application Archive
WAR –> Web Application Repository
WAR –> Web Archive
WAR –> Wireless Access Revolution
WAR –> Word Address Register
WAR –> Write After Read
WARC –> World Administrative Radio Conference
WARP –> Wave Reduction Patterns
WAS –> Web Application Security
WAS –> Web/Websphere Application Server
WAS –> Web Attached Storage
WAS –> Web-based Applications and Services
WAS –> Wide Area System
WAS –> Wireless Access System
WASP –> Web Standards Project
WATS –> Wide Area Telephone/Telecommunications Service
WATTC –> World Administrative Telegraph and Telephone Conference
WAW –> Write After Write
WAWA –> Work Anywhere With Anybody
WB –> Welcome Back (Slang)
WB –> Write Back
WBA –> Wireless Broadband Access
WBC –> Web Based Communication
WBC –> Wide Band Channel
WBEM –> Web Based Enterprise Management
WBM –> Web Based Management
WBRC –> Wuerttembergisch-Badischer Radioclub
WBT –> Web Based Training
WBT –> Windows Based Terminal
WC –> Wikimedia Commons
WC –> Workgroup Computing
WC –> World Coordinate
WC –> Worst Case
WCAG –> Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
WCF –> Waveguide Cavity Filter
WCF –> Weather/Wireless Communications Facility
WCF –> Web Component Framework
WCF –> Windows Communication Foundation
WCF –> Word Class Function
WCCP –> Web Cache Control/Coordination Protocol
WCDMA –> Wideband Code Division Multiple Access
WCE –> Write Cache Enable
WCMS –> Web Content Management System
WCP –> Worst Current Practice
WCPN –> Wireless Customer Premises Network
WCS –> Wireless Control System
WCS –> Writable Control Store
WCT –> WIPO Copyright Treaty
WD –> Western Digital
WDA –> Wahldiensteanbieter
WDDM –> Windows Display Driver Model
WDM –> Wavelength Division Multiplexer/Multiplexing
WDM –> Windows Driver Model
WDS –> Wireless Distribution System
WDSL –> Wireless Digital Subscriber Line
WDYMBT –> What Do You Mean By That (Slang)
WDYS –> What Did You Say (Slang)
WDT –> Watchdog Timer
WE –> Write Enable
WEB –> Workshop on E-Business
WEB –> World Entertainment Broadcasting
WEB –> (short for:) World Wide Web, WWW
WEBDAV –> Web Document Authoring And Versioning
WECA –> Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance
WEEB –> Western European EDIFACT Board
WEEE –> Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment
WEFT –> Web Embedding Fonts Tool (Microsoft)
WEGA –> (kein/not an acronym; OS for the EAW P8000)
WELL –> Whole Earth ‚Lectronic Link
WEP –> Wired/Wireless Equipment/Equivalent Privacy/Protocol
WF –> Workflow
WFA –> Wi-Fi Alliance
WFC –> Waiting For Connection
WFC –> Windows Foundation Class(es)
WFC –> Word Frequency Counter
WFG –> Wait For Graph
WFM –> Wide Frequency Modulation
WFM –> Wired for Management
WFM –> Works For Me (and no one else)
WFMC –> Workflow Management Coalition
WFMS –> Workflow Management System
WFP –> Wait for First Packet
WFP –> Well Formed Path
WFP –> Windows File Protection
WFQ –> Weighted Fair Queuing
WFS –> Woodstock File Server
WFW –> Windows For Workgroups (Microsoft)
WG –> Working Group (ISO)
WGA –> Windows Genuine Advantage
WGDTB –> Working Group on Digital Television Broadcasting
WGIG –> Working Group on Internet Governance (ITU)
WGS –> Work Group System
WGS –> World Geodetic System (WGS84)
WHAK –> With Hugs And Kisses (Slang)
WHK –> Weitester Hoererkreis (Rundfunk)
WHK –> Wiederherstellungskonsole
WHNF –> Weak Head Normal Form
WHQL –> Windows Hardware Quality Lab
WHS –> Windows Home Server
WIA –> Windows Image Acquisition
WIBNI –> Would It Be Nice If (Slang)
WIC –> Wireless Indoor Communication
WIEN –> Waehlen in elektronischen Netzen
WIFI –> Wi-Fi: (kein/not an acronym, WECA)
WILD –> Wireless Interactive Learning Device
WIMAX –> Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
WIMP –> Windows, Icons, Menus/Mice, Pointing (s. a. MUFF)
WIMPS –> Windows, Icons, Menus/Mice, Pointing, Scroll bars
WIMRE –> Wenn Ich Mich Recht Erinnere (Slang)
WIN –> Wireless Inhouse Network
WIN –> Wissenschaftsnetz des DFN (X.25)
WINFS –> (Microsoft) Windows File System
WINS –> Windows Internet Name Service (Microsoft)
WINS –> Wireless Integrated Network Sensor
WIP –> Work In Progress (Slang)
WIPO –> World Intellectual Property Organization
WIPS –> Web Interactions Per Second
WIPSB –> Web Interactions Per Second for Browsing
WIPSO –> Web Interactions Per Second for Ordering
WIS –> Windows Installer Service
WISOA –> WIMAX Spectrum Owners Alliance
WISP –> Wireless Internet Service Provider
WKS –> Well Known Service/Socket (Internet)
WL –> Wear Leveling
WLAN –> Wireless Local Area Network
WLANA –> Wireless LAN Association
WLBS –> Windows Load Balancing Service
WLL –> Wireless Local Loop
WLM –> Workload Manager
WM –> Window Manager
WMA –> Windows Media Audio
WMAN –> Wireless Metropolitan Area Network
WMD –> Web Media Developers
WMD –> Windows Media Device/Download
WMD –> World Mail Directory
WMD –> WYSIWYM Markdown (language, editor)
WMDRM –> Windows Media Digital Rights Management
WME –> Windows Media Encoder
WMF –> Wikimedia Foundation
WMF –> Windows Media/Metafile Format
WMI –> Windows Management Interface/Instrumentation
WML –> Wireless Markup Language
WMM –> Wi-Fi Multimedia
WMN –> Wireless Mesh Network
WMR –> Wireless Meshing Router
WMRS –> Write Me Real Soon (Slang)
WMS –> Wide Area Master Station
WMT –> Windows Media Technologies
WMV –> Windows Media Video
WNIC –> WAN Interface Coprocessor
WNIM –> WAN Interface Module
WNP –> Weissbier Networking Protocol (Microhopf)
WNPP –> Work-Needing and Prospective Package (Debian)
WNT –> Windows New Technology (Microsoft)
WNT –> Wireless Network Termination
WOA –> Web Object Application
WOCNRA –> Wobble Signal to Noise Ration after Recording
WOD –> Web Object Definition
WOK –> Wake On Keyboard
WOL –> Wake On LAN
WOL –> Window Object Library
WOLF –> Weak Signal Operation for Low Frequency
WOM –> Wake On Modem
WOM –> Write-Only-Memory
WOMBAT –> Waste Of Money, Brains, And Time (Slang)
WOP –> Werkstattorientierte Programmierung
WORA –> Write Once, Run Anywhere (Java)
WORM –> Write Once, Read Many/Multiple
WOS –> Web Object Script
WOS –> Web/Workplace/Workstation Operating System
WOS –> Webserver On Stick
WOS –> Windows Open Services
WOS –> Wireless Office Services/Solutions/System
WOS –> Wizards of OS (Operating Systems)
WOS –> Workshop for Open Systems
WOSA –> Windows Open Systems Architecture (Microsoft)
WOT –> Waste Of Time (Slang)
WOT –> Web Of Trust
WOTA –> Who's On The Air (database)
WP –> White Pages
WP –> Wikipedia
WP –> Word Processor
WP –> Write Protected
WPA –> Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA, WPA2)
WPAN –> Wireless Personal Area Network
WPC –> Wearable Personal Computer
WPD –> Windows Printer Description
WPF –> Windows Presentation Foundation
WPHD –> Write Protected Hard Disk
WPIM –> WAN Interface Port Module
WPM –> words per minute
WPPT –> WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty
WPS –> Wi-Fi Protected Setup
WPS –> Windows Printing System
WPS –> Workplace Shell (IBM)
WR –> WikiReader (Wikipedia)
WRAM –> Window Random Access Memory
WRB –> Web Request Broker
WREL –> Wireless Resonant Energy Link
WRI –> Wireless Regulatory Infrastructure
WRL –> (DEC) Western Research Laboratory
WRP –> Winsock Redirection Protocol
WRR –> Weighted Round Robin
WRS –> Wide Area Ground Reference Station
WRT –> With Regard/Respect To (Slang)
WRTH –> World Radio and Television Handbook
WS –> Wide Screen
WS –> Wikisource (Wikipedia)
WS –> Window Size
WS –> Workstation
WSAD –> Websphere Studio Application Developer
WSDD –> Websphere Device Developer
WSDD –> Web Service Deployment Descriptor
WSDD –> WS-DD: Web Services Discovery and Devices Profile
WSDD –> Worldwide Systems Development Division
WSDL –> Web Services Description Language
WSF –> Wavelet Synthesis Filter
WSF –> Web Services Framwork
WSF –> Wireless Security Forum
WSF –> Work Sheet Formats
WSF –> Workstation Facility/Feature/Function
WSF –> Write Structured Field
WSF –> Writer Scanning Facility
WSF2 –> Writer Scanning Facility 2
WSGI –> (Python) Web Server Gateway Interface
WSH –> Windows Scripting Host
WSI –> Web Search Index
WSI –> Web Server Integration
WSI –> Web Services Initiative/Integration/Interface/Internationalization
WSI –> Web Site Including
WSI –> Web Suchwerkzeuge und Indizes
WSI –> Web Support Initiative
WSI –> Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut fuer Inforamtik, Tuebingen
WSI –> Wireless System Integration
WSIS –> World Summit on the Information Society
WSN –> Wireless Sensor Network
WSP –> Web Standards Project
WSQ –> Wavelet Scalar Quantization
WSRF –> Web Services Resource Framework
WSS –> Web Services Security
WSS –> Windows Sharepoint Services (Microsoft)
WSS –> Windows Sound System (Microsoft)
WST –> World System Teletext
WSTS –> World Semiconductor Trade Statistics
WSUS –> Windows Server Update Services
WT –> Without Thinking (Slang)
WT –> Write Through
WTB –> Wanted To Buy (Slang)
WTH –> What The Heck/Hell (Slang)
WTK –> Wechselstrom-Telegrafie auf Kurzwelle
WTL –> Wechselstrom-Telegrafie auf Langwelle
WTLS –> Wireless Transport Layer Security
WTO –> Wish To Orphan (Debian)
WTOS –> Wyse Thin Operating System
WTP –> Wait Time Priority
WTP –> Web Tools Platform/Project
WTP –> What's the problem? (Slang)
WTP –> Wireless Termination Point
WTP –> Wireless Transaction Protocol
WTS –> Web/Wireless Tracking System
WTS –> Web Transaction Security/Services
WTS –> Web Transcoding Server
WTS –> WiMAX Test System
WTS –> Windows Terminal Server (Microsoft)
WTS –> Wireless Telephone System
WTS –> World Telecommunication Standardization
WTT –> Wanted To Trade (Slang)
WTTF –> Want To Test First (Slang)
WTTM –> Without Thinking Too Much (Slang)
WUS –> Windows Update Services (Microsoft)
WUSB –> Wireless Universal Serial Bus
WUXGA –> Wide Ultra Extended Graphics Array
WVQ –> Wavelet Vector Quantization
WW –> Wahlwiederholung
WWAN –> Wireless Wide Area Network
WWC –> World Wide Computing
WWDM –> Wide Wavelength Division Multiplex
WWG –> Wieder Was Gelernt (Slang)
WWOZ –> Wahre Weingartener Ortszeit
WWRF –> Wireless World Research Forum
WWW –> W3, World Wide Web, World Wide Waiting, Weltweites Warten
WWW –> Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows ME
WWW –> Works With and Without
WWWW –> World Wide Web Wizard/Worm
WWWWW –> World Wide Web Worm Warning
WXGA –> Wide Extended Graphics Array
WYS –> Whatever You Say (Slang)
WYSIWYG –> What You See Is What You Get
WYSIWYM –> What You See Is What You Mean
WYSIWIS –> What You See Is What I See
WZC –> Wireless Zero Configuration

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