Frage-Question / Antwort-Answer Script – Übersicht

Script-Clones von Yahoo Answers, oder

Eigentlich war ich ja auf Suche nach einem Question / Answer Script für diesen WordPress Blog. Jedoch musste ich bald fest stellen, dass die Suche wohl nicht erfolgreich sein wird, da es derzeit keine WordPress PlugIns für diese Art der Erweiterung gibt. Alternativ habe ich mir einige Stand-Alone-Scripte angesehen und mir dabei ein paar Grobnotizen notiert. Diese werden zwar vielen nicht sehr hilfreich sein, jedoch bieten zumindest die Links eine gute Übersicht zu diversen Q&A Script Clones. Von der individual programmierten Lösung bis zur Open Source Variante ist hier alles dabei!

Das Script schaut zumindest auf der Webseite sehr interessant aus. Das Anova "Question / Answer” Script gibt es in zwei verschiedenen Versionen.
Light Version: 147 $
Diese bietet die Basisfunktionen eines Frage / Antwort Scriptes.
Full Version: 247 $
Hier wurde einige Funktionen zusätzlich hinzu gefügt, welche über die normalen Funktionsumfang hinaus gehen, wie z.B. Forum und Blog Funktionalität und Video / Audio Question / Answer Funktion.

Keine deutsche Sprache – kann aber einfach übersetzt werden

Smarty Templating System

It’s incredibly easy to switch the entire look of the Anova site by uploading a templates file. The main advantage is that webmasters need not know any programming to edit the themes. They can choose a template that they want to use in the backend without messing up everything. Webmasters can get other people who are familiar with the smarty template system to integrate their design for them.
Smarty will give you a great experience in customizing web design.

Video question/answer

Video helps people ask and give answers clearly and quickly. Members can ask questions and answer questions in an interactive way through videos, and get the experience of visual and interactive mixing on the site.
Video enhances the interaction between community members. It comes with a handy flash player that can be embedded on site to allow streaming of video and audio without allowing downloads. Users can preview a video before attaching it with a question/answer, to make sure that it's all fine before sending it live. Best video answers will be shown randomly in the "Best Video Answers" block of the site.

Audio question/answer

It lets users listen to audio clips attached with questions or answers posted on the site. This would be a new experience for users; to be able to listen to content, rather than read it. Audio can be recorded using the voice recorder. Users can preview audio before sending it live.


It rewards points to members when they undertake any action on the site, and user level will be updated according to the points scored. The points system is incorporated to encourage users to answer many questions and to limit spam questions/answers. The number of points rewarded to users depends on their participation level.

Answer Script
Ist etwas einfacher gehalten und auch von der Optik sehr rudimentär aufgebaut. Die wichtigsten Funktionen sind jedoch vorhanden und wer billig einsteigen möchte, evt. eine Alternative zu teuren Scripten! Das Script kostet derzeit 24$.

Keine deutsche Sprache – Sprachänderung über TXT File.

View Question Page

Advanced Voting System Added
A new voting system for both questions and comments has been added, allowing users to only vote once per day.

AJAX Post Answer
Members can post answers to the question.

AJAX Rate Question
Users can rate the questions as good or bad.

AJAX Rate Answers
Users can rate each posted answer as good or bad.

AJAX Report Question
Users can report abusive questions via AJAX, which the website Administrator can then review.

AJAX Report Answers
Users can report abusive answers via AJAX, which the website Administrator can then review.

Social Bookmarks
Users can share questions with the world using the many social bookmarking websites.

Best Answer
The question asker can select the best answer for their question, which will then be highlighted and the question closed.


Multi-Language Support
Pre-loaded with English, Spanish and French languages, you can easily add more new languages by just translating one language file!

UTF-8 URL Support
Question URL's now accept full UTF-8 which allows SEO URL's for all languages.

Recent Questions
A listing of the most recent open questions are displayed.

Popular Questions
A listing of the most popular questions are displayed.

Top Experts
A listing of the top 100 members are displayed, sorted by the most points gained.

Categories and Sub-Categories
Users can view questions by category or sub-category only simply by clicking on the category link displayed on the right menu of all pages.

PHP5 and PHP4 Full Support
PHP5 as well as the older PHP4 both have full support, extensively tested on both.

Encoded Passwords
For additional security, all member passwords are MD5 encoded.

SEO Optimization
To drastically improve popularity on search engines, the script has been completely seo optimized.

Profile Pages

Member Statistics
Detailed member statistics are shown on the their profile including the total number of profile views, member points, question, answers and best answers.

Member Questions
All of the questions the member asked are displayed.

Member Answers
All of the answers the member posted are displayed.

Member Best Answers
All of the answers the member posted that were selected as the best answer are displayed.

Profile Picture
The member's profile picture is displayed for all users to see.

Points System

Points For Answering Questions
For every answer posted, the member gets points, which can be set by the Administrator.

Points For Best Answer
For every answer that is selected as the best answer, the user is awarded points, which can be set by the Administrator.

Ask Questions

Question Details
Option question details field added so users can include additional question information.

Ask Questions
Members can ask questions by using the many ask a question boxes throughout the website.

E-Mail Notifications
Users now have the option of receiving an e-mail notifying them when a answer has been posted on their question.

Member Accounts

Edit and Delete Questions
Users can now edit their own questions or even delete them.

Account Functions
Members can change their e-mail, change their password, change their profile picture, as well as edit their profile.

Search System

Search From Any Page
With our advanced search system, users can search from any page they are on.


Easy Ads
With our easy ads system, Administrators can easily add their advertisements to the script.

RSS Feeds

Popular Questions RSS Feed
RSS feeds of the most popular questions are displayed.

Recent Questions RSS Feed
RSS feeds of the most recent open questions are displayed.


Question Validation System
Admin Panel option to require added questions to be validated before they are made public can be enabled/disabled.

Reported questions and answers are listed on the Admin Panel, so Administrators can delete the report, delete the Answer/Question or edit the Answer/Question.

Create Multiple Administrators
Now administrators no longer have to share one login and password. Multiple administrators can be added.

Encoded Administrator Passwords
For additional security, all member passwords are MD5 encoded.

Administrators can customize every aspect of the site to suit their preferences, including questions per page, homepage questions, points per answer and points per best answer.

View Edit Delete
Administrators can view edit or delete questions, answers and members.

Create or Delete Categories
Administrators can create new categories, edit categories or even delete categories.

Administrators can edit advertisements that appear throught the website.

Static Pages
Administrators can edit all of the static pages on the website such as the Terms of Use, Contact Us, Advertising, Privacy Policy and About Us

Reported Questions and Answers
Administrators can view edit or delete reported questions and answers.

Lumin Creative – Q&A System
Wirkt von den Möglichkeiten her sehr mächtig und lässt sich laut Webseite ohne Probleme in jede bestehende Webseite integrieren. Auch Widgets Builder und externe Schnittstellen gehören hier zum Funktionsumfang. Leider bekommt man Detailinfos und Preise nur auf direkte Nachfrage an die Sales Abteilung! Hosted und Self-hosted Varianten sind verfügbar.
Habe hier genauer nach gefragt, die Jungs bieten wirklich ein rund um glücklich Paket auf Windowsbasis an. Laut Anbieter auch kombinierbar mit CMS und Blog Systemen. Leider auch bei direkter Anfrage keine Grobpreise erhalten.

Single User Authentication
Advertising Management
Category or Tag Based Systems
Multiple Point Systems Available
Personalized RSS
Questions Widget Builder
Expert Widget Builder
Custom Widgets
Contribution Voting
Contributing Expert Ranking
Overall and Category Rankings
Text / Video / Image Responses
Optimized for Search Engines
Advanced Search Technology
Links to Social Networks
Instant Email Notifications
Forgotten Password Feature
Twitter Integration
AJAX Enhanced Functionality
Detailed Expert Profiles
Staff Expert Answers
Featured Solutions
Featured Experts
Direct Questions to Experts
Tell A Friend Feature
Custom Question Lists
Premium User Functionality
"Similar Questions" Functionality
Multilingual Platform
Automatic URL Link Conversion
Client Owned Data
Custom Widgets and Buttons
Custom Development Available
Role Based User Administration
Assign Category/Tag Moderators
Category/Tag Management
Manage/Edit/Delete Questions
Manage/Edit/Delete Answers
Manage/Edit/Delete Users
Allow/Disallow Link Responses
Allow/Disallow Video Responses
Web Based Platform
Detailed Analytics & Reports
Define Featured Solutions
Define Featured Experts
Highlight Staff Expert Answers
Advanced Search Technology
Secure Admin SSL Encryption
Translation Management

Question Answer Script
Rein optisch macht dieses Clone Script keinen guten ersten Eindruck. Wer aber ein Script sucht, welches man über dubiose Wege schon etwas vor füllen möchte, oder Fragen / Antworten in einen Blog exportieren möchte, so bietet dieses Programm einige nette Möglichkeiten. Selbst Frage / Antwort Packs kann man hier schon fix und fertig kaufen. Alles leider auch nur in englischer Sprache. Übersetzung muss hier auch selbst gemacht werden, auch wenn das Script angeblich in allen Sprachen verfügbar ist. Google Translator macht es möglich! fg Preislich liegt das Gutefrage-Clone-Script bei 79$.

General Features
Below are the mentioned general features of Question Answer Script, along with it there is is deacription about its usage & relevancy with the script. Please check out all the features.

Check out what features we have included in Version 1.1
Many new website settings has been added under admin panel.
Email Administration – Administrator can receive emails related to all the activity performed on his site, like new question posted, or new answer added to existing question. Aministrator can delete the question or approve the moderated question just clicking the link form his email.

Clean URL – We have changed the URL structure to best search engine result. User can control also add custom text, or category name in Question URL.
Control whether resolved questions can be answered further or not
Control whether users can reply to their own questions or not
Control whether you want the question mark to be appended automatically, when not found
Control whether you want to allow users to edit question description or their answers
Control whether you want to allow users to delete their answers
Control whether you want to allow anonymous question posting or not
Control the number of questions displayed on homepage, category page and all other relevant pages
Control whether you want the email address entered by users during registration or profile editing, should be verified or not
Control whether display name must only contain alphanumeric characters
Control whether you want to enable support for RTL language. This is minimal support that enable text boxes to allow RTL language entry.
Site Map Generator – Generate sitemap for your website at one click.
Content Management System has been upgraded to allow adding new pages. New pages can be added easily with custom title tag and meta description tag.
Menu System for User added pages. You can control the predefined position of menu and can even switch off the menu from "website settings" under admin panel.
Formatting has been enabled for question and answer posting, with features to post images, YouTube videos and links without compromising the security. Check formating tips
Now Question Answer scripts also Tweets, We support automatic Twitter Posting

Users can now change their password.
Algorithm to live the imported questions from yahoo has been enhanced to give real look.
Many more custom text are avialable now. But still javascript custom texts are not available.
Bugs as reported by our clients has been fixed.

Best Answer Flashing Module Recent Questions
Best Answer selected questions are displayed on the Homepage. This module displays the list of Best Answered selected question in a particular month.  This section displays the recent question posted on the website. Home Page displays the latest question posted on the site, irrespective of categories. However when a specific category is selected then it displayed the recent question posted in that particular category
Popular Questions Discover Question
This is the tab present on the Home Page next to recent question. This section displays all the question who’s BEST Answer is not selected however thse question have been answered and answers have received some THUMPS UP or THUMPS DOWN.
  This is the Tab present in all the categories which list all the questions whose best answer has been selected. Best Answers are selected by the question Poster Or the Administrator. This tab is present in all the categories & Sub Categories.
LeaderShip Board  Categories and Sub-Categories
A list of top members are shown in the list according to the point earned by them. On the home page is shown in the left column and its individual page displays the complete statistic of Total Point Earned, Total Question Posted and the Percentage of them which are selected as Best Answers. Users can view questions posted in specific by category or sub-category. Each category shows OPEN Question & BEST Answered chosen Question.
PHP5 & AJAX Based  
Question Answer Script is build on the robust platform for PHP ZEND. Script is using AJAX based control such that script works at the lightning fast speed.
SEO Optimization  
All URL’s are search engine friendly. Administrator can add specific meta tags to each question. This feature is really helpful for the webmaster to optimize their website for good search engine ranking.
Language Setting
You can modify all the static text displayed on the website. You can change the language or you can just modify the text to give the site a niche look. 

Question & Answer View Page Features

Post Answer  Select Best Answer
Registered user can Post Answer to a specific question. Answer Posting includes Capcha to protect any type of SPAMMING. If users are not registered then they are taken to registration page such that they can register and add answer to any question.  Question Poster or the Admin can select the Best Answer for specific question. An extra point is the rewarded to the user whose answer is selected as the best answer. Once BEST ANSWER is chosen for a specific question then that specific question is moved to the discover section of that specific category. And this particular question comes in Flashing Question Module of the home page.
Find Interesting Emails to Friend
User can mark the question as Interesting, this give the question an extra point such that these question appears in the Popular Question section. And this question is added in the user profile page. Any other registered user can see the interesting question selected by any user  Registered user can email the selected question link to their friends. User can send question to 5 friend in one click.
Bookmarks  Subscribe to Answer Alert
Registered user can maintain the question list as a bookmarked. All the bookmarked question appears in the user profile. Registered user can subscribe to Answer Alert, that is if that particular question is answers then an email will be send to those who has set the answer alert. This is really an interesting feature to track a specific question. User can anytime remove the answer alert from their profile page.
Thumps UP & DOWN to Answers  Report Abuse Questions & Answers
Registered users can give thumps UP OR Down, means I like it, Or I dislike it to any answers. This give an answer a extra point which helps the admin to select the BEST Answer for the Specific Question.  Registered user can anytime report an abuse to specific question or answer. This reporting send an alert to admin to check the objectionable content on the website.
Other Open & Closed Question  
This module shows the other open & closed question links of that specific category. This makes the easy accessibility to questions.   

TurnkeyForms – Yahoo Answer Clone
Bietet nur die Grundfunktionen, alles sehr einfach gehalten. Script bietet scheinbar nicht mal die Möglichkeit SEO URLs zu verwenden. Preislich liegt das Script bei 29$. Wie einfach eine deutsche Übersetzung zu realisieren ist, konnte ich auf der Webseite nicht erkennen.
AskIt Clone

Das Script befindet sich noch in der Entwicklung, macht jedoch einen guten ersten Eindruck. Es fehlen noch ein paar nützliche Erweiterungen, jedoch ist der Entwickler sehr an dem Projekt dran und nimmt Anregungen positiv entgegen. Version 1.0 wird demnächst erscheinen. Kostenlos.

Five minutes (or less!) to install.
Easy styling with CSS themes.
Fast integrated search engine.
Points-based reputation management.
Question tagging (with auto completion).
Comments on questions and answers.
Simple and secure admin interface.
PHP/MySQL scalable to 1,000,000+ users.
Built-in user account management, or…
Single sign-on for existing sites.

Die Homepage scheint derzeit nicht zu funktionieren, denn dort ist nur zu lesen, dass das Script bald erscheinen wird.

Das ASP-Script setzt auf Windows-Systeme auf und benötigt eine SQL Datenbank. Preis ist nicht ersichtlich

Ask a question
Categorize the question
Answer a question
Receive answers in your mailbox
Browse Open,Resolved or Undecided Questions
Extend Answer Period
Add details to your question
Email question to a friend
Choose the Best Answer
Add Questions to your WatchList
Advanced Search Questions
Vote on Undecided questions
See Users‘ Profiles
See number of answers
Upload your Photo
Report Abuse
Delete your question
Preview Answer,Question
Get Points when answering questions
Manage Questions
Manage Answers
List of User Points
Manage Questions by Category
Search Q/A by ID
Browse Users
Browse Categories
Add/Edit/Delete Category
Edit/Remove Users
Filter Bad Words
See Statistics of questions/answers
Export questions/answers to excel
Add/Edit/Delete SubCategory

AskMe Pro
Das Script bietet einen speziellen Expertenmodus mit Abrechnungssystem. AskMe kostet – 99$. 

General Member Functions (for both user and expert account)

Question Directory
Users can post questions for experts to browse and post the answers to your questions
Ability to search for questions by keywords
Browse questions by categories and status (All, Open, Pending, Locked, Closed)
Expert Directory
Users can view the entire list of registered experts and have the ability to sort the results by name and post
Users can send a private question to experts
Users can search for experts by name or keyword
Private Messenger
Members can search for a buddy by keyword/username and add to the buddy list
Members can compose/reply messages
Ability to delete messages
Members can view inbox/outbox messages
XML Feeds
Members can download XML feeds for all open questions in each category
User Functions (for user account)

Control Panel
Edit profile – Make changes to the profile and set site preferences
View Profile & Ratings – View profile, ratings and feedback
Place Deposit – Place a fully refundable deposit to upgrade user's question priority
Withdraw Balance – Withdraw user's account balance
View All Questions – View all open and pending questions
View amount spent
View transaction report by month, year and status
Displays information including the question, time asked, question amount and the expert whom the user paid to for answering the question
Question Manager
Displays the list of questions posted by the user
Expert Functions (for expert account)

Control Panel
Edit profile – Make changes to the profile and set site preferences
View Profile & Ratings – View profile, ratings and feedback
Edit mini profile – View and edit expert's mini profile
Email Notification Subscriptions – Subscribe email notification by category, question or keyword
Withdraw Balance – Withdraw expert's account balance
View All Questions – View all open and pending questions
View total earnings
View transaction report by month, year and status
Displays information including date, question asked, the user who paid the expert, rating and the earning for the question successfully answered by the expert
Question Manager
Displays the list of questions that the expert is answering at the moment
Display the feedback and rating the users give for the questions answered by the expert
Admin Functions

Ability to create/edit/delete categories and sub categories
Manage user/expert accounts and admin can set accounts as inactive
Email members
Configure system settings – site name, admin user/pass, admin paypal email, withdraw/deposit amount, min question amount and question settings
Edit rating – admin can set the rating title (from a scale of 0 – 5) and setup the corresponding amount experts will get for a question successfully answered based on the rating scale
View transaction history and admin can sort by transaction ID, date, amount or status
View user payment history and admin can sort results by payment ID, date, question, answer, amount and status
AskMe Pro allows admin to create custom static pages which can be accessed by calling the following URL:
Admin can edit/delete questions posted by the users
Withdrawal request – allows admin to send payment to experts for the earnings they received for answering questions. Admin can set the payment status if the money has been processed, pending or rejected

Irgendwie kommt es mir so vor, als gäbe es dieses Script an vielen Stellen zu unterschiedlichen Preisen. Wer sich für dieses Script entscheidet, sollte genau die Preise vergleichen.

Best Answer Flashing Module
Recent Questions
Popular Questions
Discover Question
Leadership Board
Categories and Sub-Categories
Ask question (Embed Youtube Videos, Images)
Post Answer
Select Best Answer
Find Interesting
Emails to Friend
Bookmarks to Digg and other Social Networking sites.
Tweet your question at
Subscribe to Answer Alert
Thumps UP & DOWN to Answers
Report Abuse Questions & Answers
Other Open & Closed Question
Point System
Search System
CMS – Content Management System for Home Page Content, Footer Content, Help Pages
Category Manager
Question Manager
Email Templates
User Manager
Advertisement for placing Google adsense, Affiliate Codes
Abused Question & Answer
Question Importer from Yahoo Answers
Allowed Domain Sites listed in allowed domains links will be converted in hyperlink.
One click Theme Changer
Activate or deactivate moderation for Question & Answers
Change all the Custom Text in your Own Local Language.
Manage the Point System.
And many more features visit below link to login to Admin Section

Janswers – Joomla PlugIn
PlugIn für das Joomla CMS.

Open Source Projekt – GitHub


Ask Rave
Dieses Script ist noch in der Entwicklung und arbeitet auf Textfile-Basis. Ob man so etwas einsetzen sollte sei mal dahin gestellt.

Wie man sieht, gibt es derzeit viele der Script-Clones für
– Yahoo Answers

Ich persönlich werde mir aus der Auswahl das Questions2Answers Script näher ansehen, da das Q&A Script eine Userschnittstelle on Board hat und das Projekt gerade aktiv gelebt wird.


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